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How To Survive Social Media In The New Year

by Uzma Chaudhry

Social Media is a fantastic platform with a mindboggling myriad of functionality. In the past year alone, we’ve seen social media bring criminals to justice, provide ordinary people with extraordinary job opportunities, been a means of free chicken nuggets for a whole year as well as my personal favourite, given us the meme calendar(!) with monthly updates telling us the meme of the month. For the majority of us, social media is mostly a means of expression from voicing disdain at South Western Railways, to solidarity with grassroots political movements like #BlackLivesMatter. You simply cannot fault the overwhelming positive impact sites like Twitter, Instagram and (sometimes) even Facebook have had socially, economically and politically especially for POC (people of colour).

Somewhere along the way, within the lines of coding, the creators, developers and engineers, forgot to add that algorithm that helps us navigate through social media when things get a bit too much. The constant scrolling, continuous absorption, endless streams of information (good and bad), fruitless comparisons is surely having effects on us in ways that we perhaps never prepared for. The digital world, and the technology in it, is still relatively new and one of our oversights as a species is underestimating the potency with which social media taints our wellbeing. Consumption of information feels to have dramatically shifted our attention span limiting our availability to ten second videos (fifteen if you’re on Instagram). It’s so easy for us to go from one tweet informing us of the meme of the month, to the next showing graphic images of a bomb blast in Kabul. This constant feed of information combined with our own outrage through our tweets, statuses and ‘grams’ has led to a somewhat unhealthy addiction to the euphoric high of instant gratification coupled with downward spiralling self-worth. The more you absorb, the more you compare, the more you soberly look to your own life, searching for the perfect angle, striving for the hottest take, building up to a perfectly curated version of yourself, and the more frustrated and hopeless you begin to feel. Does it ring a bell?

According to a study done earlier this year, British millennials have the “second worst mental wellbeing in the world”, following Japan by levels of stress and anxiety. I’m not by any means reducing the research to a direct result of social media because I don’t believe correlation is causation. I simply recognise that there’s an added layer of difficulty and coupled with my own experiences of falling victim to the cycle of narcissism in pockets of social media, I offer a few pieces of advice to successfully steer murky waters.


Don’t compete with anyone online

As tempting as it is to compare yourself with peers that are buying their first house, publishing a book, or being quoted in Forbes – don’t! I can almost guarantee that you’ll wake up feeling more satisfied if you’re able to take a step away from the urgency of knowing what everyone else is doing and focus on how you want to improve on the person you were yesterday. That’s how you make waves.


Measure your own success by the process, not the results

In a relentless rush towards the finish line, you lose sight very quickly of the importance of the journey. You may never even arrive at the finish line, and that’s okay! Take comfort in the warmth of the process, celebrate the small successes and appreciate that you’re human with limited capabilities on rainy days as well as the oomph you radiate on the sunny ones.


Take a break from social media every 3 months!

Perhaps you’ve a personality that remains bulletproof from the narcissism projected online, but for everyone else, a couple of days away from the chaos of internet personalities shouting for your attention allows you an opportunity to recuperate and reenergise. This is wholly important for activists who feel like their purpose online revolves around correcting, advising, and re-claiming their narratives, because it’s more tiring than you may ever allow yourself credit for.

Adopting subtle changes in your day-to-day existence online will allow you to feel liberated and allow you the room to breathe in an increasingly suffocating and connected world and importantly give you the strength to fight your battles with enough vigour and resolve because Lord knows we’re relying on you!


Uzma works full time in business sales at Telefonica. She is studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics part –time with Open University as a means to make sense of the world in which we exist! She is a v·inspired ambassador whose work revolves around empowering young people into volunteering and leadership. In her spare time she enjoys musing in her blog and has writing pieces on faith and race, offering a more holistic perspective on current affairs. If she has any juice left by the end of the week, she creates Youtube videos for her channel Caruzmatic as well as run a small venture in selling her bespoke art for ucdesigns.co.uk

Starting The New Year With May

Theresa May’s continued survival can only be good for the Conservatives.

Too many ill-advised early morning sessions watching England’s cricketers get roundly beaten by their Australian counterparts has helped me realise something: Theresa May would make a brilliant ‘nightwatchman’. For the uninitiated, in cricket a nightwatchman is an ostensibly worse player than his/her team-mates, who comes out to bat at the times when it is hardest to do so (usually in the evening just before they finish for the day). This player’s lack of ability actually works to the team’s advantage by shielding the better players from the threat of getting bowled out by the opposition when conditions are at their most difficult. At the moment, May seems to serve as a political nightwatchman, frustrating her party’s opponents by remaining in power during an extremely trying passage of government, depriving them of the chance to have a crack at the prominent Conservatives worthy of having a crack at.

Every day that May remains in the top job is another day through the term of a very difficult government, conducting the contentious Brexit talks and the enhanced scrutiny that goes with it, while simultaneously trying to deal with scandals of sexual misconduct or rogue diplomacy plaguing her cabinet, with strong opposition being provided by a resurgent Jeremy Corbyn. Every day she puts up with all of this is another day a hypothetical successor doesn’t have to.


May with European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker (Source: AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

Had she stepped down at some point earlier this year following her disastrous election result, the Conservative Party would likely find itself in an even more difficult position than it already does; whomever it would have chosen to succeed her would likely have enjoyed the briefest of honeymoons before being thrust into the instability and unpredictability currently facing the country while holding on to the most precarious of working majorities in parliament – a situation which any leader would struggle to come out of in a positive light. If this successor lived on to contest the next general election, they would likely do so from a position of unpopularity, while if they were forced out in favour of another leader, the party may very well suffer from accusations of instability from Labour. This perception certainly does not play well with voters.

By remaining in her post, despite her general lack of popular appeal, May prevents either of these scenarios from taking place. Instead, she offers the possibility of seeing out these fractious years, before allowing a new leader (be it Boris Johnson, Ruth Davidson or one of the many other prominent Tories with their eyes on the top prize) to step in and offer a clean break with the past. This would be just in time to lead the party into the next general election against an opposition whose attacks would be far less effective than if they were taking on a leader whose record in office included presiding over the crisis-ridden years we currently find ourselves in.


Three potential successors to May (left to right: Ruth Davidson, Boris Johnson and Andrea Leadsom) (Source: The Spectator)

That May’s political credibility is irrevocably damaged is almost certainly true, having been reduced to rubble almost overnight by the British electorate on that remarkable night in June. Yet her turn as the Conservatives’ ‘nightwatchman’ may allow a future leader the electoral success she herself has missed out on.

Winter’s Cold Advances: Who Feels It The Most?

There’s always one thing that crosses my mind when winter slides back into my dms. Her persistence is uncanny, giving me the good old flu, runny nose and cold fingers. When I’m walking home from work, gym or even a day out, she stays in my dms for a good 3 months. It takes 3 months before she decides I’m not going to entertain her. But there are people who receive the full force of her beauty per say. I wish I never experience this side of her beauty. I only want to experience it when I am trying to send a message out to the world and my local community.

There is a word that I want to put a lot of emphasis on in my previous paragraph. That word is ‘home’. So many people can handle the persistent winters because they have a home, that stops her advances. Many totally forget she’s there because you are in the comfort of your warm and cosy houses. When you are outside, this comfort leave you, as increasingly feel her presence. Then and only then, will you feel it.

Many people in Manchester and around the world they don’t have such luxury. I say luxury because having a house or roof over your head is a massive luxury. No matter how big or small your house is. You are still protected from winters gaze and constant cold-hearted advances. The people who don’t have these luxuries are ‘the homeless’. And they feel the brute of winter’s advances every single day and night. They are more prone to getting illnesses and worse case freezing to death. The thought of that saddens me when I know I will be entering the warmth of my house.

According to the charity Shelter, homelessness has increased by 33% in certain regions of Manchester. People are either living on the streets or in temporary accommodation.  However, the newly elected mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham has decided to launch a mayoral fund that aims to end rough sleeping in Manchester by 2020. The fund is going to focus on specialised accommodation for those in need, focusing on making use of the city’s empty properties. Something that crosses my mind is why the various city councils don’t turn derelict buildings and homes into a more livable space for homeless people.

Going into the New Year, remember that many individuals are in extremely desperate circumstances. Try and help homeless people in whatever way you can this coming year. Be a significant difference in someone’s life, no matter how small or big.

2017’s Tech Champions & Losers

This article was written by TCS Contributor Takudzwa Gezi

2017 was a very interesting year for the Tech industry. It was indeed a mixture of “the good, the bad, and the ugly”. Below is a review of some of 2017’s top tech champions and losers.


One might perceive Uber as an innovative global taxi firm. Having started out as a tech driven startup, it is now valued at nearly $70bn. However, this successful story of rags to riches has recently been overshadowed by Uber’s downfall which has unfortunately been linked to the firm compromising its own cultural values.

For most of the year, the tech taxi firm has been steering down the wrong lane.

Early February this year, the company’s employees made a series of allegations about the unethical culture at Uber. Some employees even aired complaints about sexual harassment which saw over 20 employees fired after an internal investigation. To make matters worse, despite being a company that prides itself in ‘diversity’, after the release of its first diversity report in March 2017, Uber was found to have employed an overwhelmingly white male workforce. Uber’s new CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, an Iranian-American businessman, is now tasked with the challenge of repairing the company’s damaged position.


Facebook and Twitter have been in the centre of the ‘fake news’ propaganda after deliberate misinformation was spread across social media throughout 2017. The highlight of this case has been the Russian interference in the EU referendum and US presidential election where Facebook and Twitter were used as vehicles to spread false information.

Facebook and Twitter have been accused of being vehicles of the ‘fake news’ propaganda.

“Facebeook identified 470 accounts and pages run by the Russian Internet Research Agency, while Twitter provided Congress with a list of 2,752 accounts that it believed were linked to the organisation.”

Facebook has pointed out that by 2018, it will be using its ‘Related Articles’ tool to monitor misinformation in the ‘News feed’ section, thus reducing the frequency in which an article with deceptive information is shared.


Smart home technologies are one aspect of the Tech industry that have been booming throughout 2017. With the market growing rapidly, Smart homes are no longer limited to tech geeks.

With features such as smart security cameras, residents can monitor their homes whilst they are away or on vacation.

The NPD Group, an American market research company, have claimed that “15% of American households with an internet connection now own a home automation device” which is up from 10% in April 2016.

January 2017 saw various Smart home startups such as Flo Technologies showcase their technologies at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Some of this cutting-edge technology included internet home accessories such as; light bulbs, thermostats, and security cameras, which are now integrated with voice-powered assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa.


After the failure of the Wii U game console, the Japanese game company has hit the nail on the head with the new Nintendo Switch which debuted this year. With this new gadget, you don’t have to adjust your lifestyle to play games, instead, the console adjusts to fit around your lifestyle. This is illustrated by its inherent flexibility, with the gadget having 3 play modes; TV mode, Tablet Mode, and Handheld mode.

The Nintendo Switch is the seventh major video game console developed by the Japanese giant.

The Nintendo Switch has been a hit, to the extend that the Japanese giant has sold over 10 million Switch consoles since March, whereas the Wii U only sold 4 million units in its first 10 months.

It has certainly been an interesting year for technology. But with Technology companies continually considering unconventional and innovative ways to meet the demands of the savvy consumer, who will be 2018’s biggest champions and losers?

Takudzwa Gezi is a BA Business and Economics graduate from The University of Manchester. His strong interest in Economics and Politics, coupled with a passion for Technology, has left him with a desire to make a positive impact to the world around him. The TCS Network’s vision has given way to the start of his journey. Outside of work, he enjoys challenging himself by learning new programming languages such as JavaScript, as well as constantly improving his skills in music production.

Email: gezitakudza@hotmail.com
LinkedIn: Takudzwa Gezi

Flying While Muslim: Tips To Stop ‘Random’ Security Checks

by Uzma Chaudhry


It’s not a total secret that there’s a muted hostility towards Muslim passengers on any flight that isn’t the PK710 7pm flight to Lahore every Wednesday and Friday. Whether consciously, or unconsciously, there is a very visible, extremely clumsy change in facial expression when they spot your un-ironed hijab among the sea of budget airline passengers travelling to Dublin. Perhaps it’s important to add that they could, very reasonably, be mortified at the sheer number of creases you’ve had the audacity to leave the house with. And I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not proud of my total inept-ness in the hijab ironing department (sorry Mum) but in the instance it’s not that, I’ve created a handy list of tips on how to minimise that terroristy vibe that visibly Muslim passengers seem to unknowingly emulate. Fear not brothers and sisters, I’ve got your back. Unless you insist on travelling in crocs. In which case, I can’t (read won’t) help you.


  1. Paint a smile on your face DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT’S 4AM.

(Very real, and definitely legitimate) Studies have shown that 78% of Muslims that smile whilst flying will have a more comfortable flight. If you can’t lift those cheek muscles at 5am, Fenty Beauty do a damn good liquid lipstick. I advise you beg your friend to help you draw on a Joker-esqe grin to appease the masses and put those non-Muslims at ease because trust me, someone who spends £19.00 on a lip paint, isn’t about to blow anything up any time soon.

Fenty Beauty lipstick from Rihanna’s new collection of make-up.


  1. Don’t read. Anything. In any language. Out loud. Or in your head.

This one is fairly self-explanatory. Our timelines and newsfeeds in the past year have been bombarded with stories from Muslims being kicked off their flight for merely speaking in languages that aren’t English through to professors being escorted off the plane for working on differential equations. The safest way of minimising suspicion is to adopt a vow of silence for the entirety of the flight except if asked what flavour peanuts you’d like or to comment on how mild the air is.

Comic by Khalil Bendib
  1. Don’t be too friendly with other passengers. But also don’t be distant. A little bit of friendly but not totally creepy.

There’s an undeniable urge to want to prove to those around you that you’re approachable, conversational and very accepting. You’re allowed to make conversation in the lounge but limit your topics to the weather, X Factor, and at a stretch, the rising cost of Freddos. There is a risk of course of appearing too interested though. So avoid asking intrusive questions such as what prompted their decision to pair green shoes with a purple pair of jeans.


  1. Exclusively wear British Flag Merchandise

In one final attempt to break down an imagined barrier, failing your painted smile, and enlightened conversation on whether the X Factor is fixed, you can emulate Britishness in the most overt way possible. Use a British Flag to adorn your head, face, arms, legs and even socks where possible. Sing the national anthem before take-off, drink Yorkshire tea exclusively out of your Queens Golden Jubilee mug and on landing exclaim how excited you are to establish British sovereignty in the country you’ve just arrived in.

I feel it’s also important to say that this fear is deeply rooted in disillusionment post 9/11 and amplified beyond any kind of rational, objective sentiment. This unattainable quest to integrate and dissolve an us versus them barrier is not only exhausting but impossible. I’m not claiming by any means that appropriate safety measures shouldn’t be taken. I’m all for sellotaping up windows before take-off having not (yet) bought into Ryanair’s organic air conditioning in the way of gaping holes in the aircraft. Just, where you’re statistically still more likely to be struck by lightning despite boarding 20 flights a year, tone down the unfair animosity towards people with creased and uncreased hijabs. But not crocs. Never crocs.


Uzma Chaudhry works full time in business sales at Telefonica. She is studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics part –time with Open University as a means to make sense of the world in which we exist! She is a v·inspired ambassador whose work revolves around empowering young people into volunteering and leadership. In her spare time she enjoys musing in her blog and has writing pieces on faith and race, offering a more holistic perspective on current affairs. If she has any juice left by the end of the week, she creates Youtube videos for her channel Caruzmatic as well as run a small venture in selling her bespoke art for ucdesigns.co.uk

Black Women On British Reality TV, What’s The Big Deal?

by Ife Sarumi

In the past ten years reality TV has been on demand for our viewing pleasure thanks to the likes of shows such as; Big Brother, Geordie Shore and Jersey Shore. Viewers can switch on their TV to watch the inconceivable shocking displays of debauchery on these shows. You would think we would at some point stop watching, except people became more and more addicted with each new episode as if they’re living vicariously through their favourite characters. It is then no surprise that these shows are still very much relevant and sought after. They’ve shaped our ‘pop culture’ today. As each protagonist finds new ways to keep us entertained, producers satisfy our thirst for entertainment with new creations of exciting British reality TV shows. Shows such as Made in Chelsea and Love Island, popular shows amongst the British public, are created. Why? Because they achieve their purpose. They remove us from our own daily (perhaps) mundane realities of life and offer us a new dimension to focus on (even if it’s just for one hour on a Sunday evening).

Geordie Shore cast members

However, there seems to be a reoccurring theme with these shows: the low representation of ethnic minorities, specifically black women is glaringly obvious. Some editors have assumed that perhaps the British public do not recognise ethnic minorities in their daily lives, and so would not be able to relate to them on screen. This based on the idea that audiences are drawn to characters they can relate to. It does feel true that ethnic minorities would not seek the option to be on reality TV due to the current lack of representation. Its a vicious circle. Either way, Black women are still misrepresented even when they are finally given a platform.

Amir Khan in I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here (ITV)

Here is the most recent case study: Joanna Jarjue, a contestant who made the final round on the Apprentice 2017. If you are an avid social media user, you will have observed the typical negative adjectives that she was branded with throughout her time on the show. Words such as “aggressive” and “uncooperative” where in overflow. Contrastingly, other viewers held the opinion that she was simply “passionate” and “frustrated” because she was not being listened to and so her exasperated nature was justified. Compared to her colleague on the show, Elizabeth McKenna who Lord Sugar himself described as “overbearing” and “bossy” and was still defined by him as “hard working”, Jarjue seems to have caught a rough deal. An onlooker would have assumed Jarjue was the weakest candidate on the show when compared to other contestants. Weekly she was subject to negative comments by her colleagues and even on social media. Yet, despite obstacles such as her age (23) hindering her business experience and maturity, or her race, which she cannot erase, she had the “best record to date” observed by Karen Brady (a judge on the show). This forces us to beg the question, was their intention to force Jarjue to play the “angry black woman” narrative this season?

Joanna Jarjue in The Apprentice

After the Guardian article on the portrayal of Alexandra Burke on Strictly come Dancing had been circulating, Jarjue decided to defend her stance on the social media platform, Twitter. She wrote;

But Jarjue would not be the only Black woman on British reality TV to ‘suffer in silence’ to avoid ‘playing the race card’. Although ‘Big Brother’ contestants are cast to be controversial and argumentative, when Black contestants do not play up to this they are perceived as that regardless, due to racial stereotyping. Aware of this unwritten fact is Deborah Agboola, a 2017 Big Brother contestant who was pegged by betting companies as a favourite to win, but still could not shake off that racial stereotype. She landed in third place, despite her popularity both at the betting shops and on social media because she had to combat the preconceived stereotype of her ethnicity before she could be deemed as tolerable by her housemates and Big Brother fans. Despite her efforts, she was labelled as aggressive by housemates during arguments. To which Agboola responded, “If I took away my skin colour…no one would say I’m aggressive.”

Deborah Agboola in Big Brother

Whenever you see a black woman playing herself on TV, she must first ascribe to the consequence of being presented as ‘angry’, even if that is not in her nature. Only then would she have satisfied the intention of the producers – to put one token black woman who plays up to the perceived stereotype of the ‘angry black woman’ in society on the show. While black women are shown disdain for displaying a natural human reaction, their white counterparts are rewarded for it, because their reaction is warranted and stereotyped as being gentle and harmless. McKenna for example, on ‘The Apprentice’ was praised for being passionate about the success of her team and so was justified for being overbearing and treating her colleagues as though they were sub-servient to her. However, Jarjue was vilified for being argumentative and uncooperative when she expressed her thoughts – even when she was calm.

Kehinde Andrews, a Sociology professor and co-editor of Blackness in Britain had similar observations, stating that “Every time you see these reality shows, you see they get ethically cleansed very quickly. These shows speak to how black and ethnic minority people are viewed with suspicion across Britain.”

This means no matter how much a Black woman tries to run away from the stereotypical perception of the ‘angry black woman’, due to conscious and unconscious bias in the British public they will always be labelled as the aggressor. Now the discourse we should be having is demystifying stereotypes and propelling a range of representations on our screens to enhance inclusion and decrease racial prejudice.


Ife Sarumi was born in Nigeria but her formative years were spent in the UK. She is passionate about female empowerment and how politics can serve in aiding this cause. This is her main reason for studying BA Politics and Philosophy at the University of Hull and is currently involved in numerous social initiatives advancing the progression of her passion. Keep up with her progress on Twitter: @ifesarumi1

Hangover Cures

The end of the year usually means one thing. Ending it in style. Here are a few tips and tricks that will make sure you actually make it to 2018 too. Start the year with your head upright.



This one isn’t the most convenient but for those who can manage it, get up and work out! Sweat those toxins out of your body. You may end up vomiting or feeling like crap along the way but you’ll be grateful that evening or the next day not only because you’re no longer feeling the effects of the alcohol but you also get to be proud of yourself for being productive and working out.

Man suffering from a hangover (cartoon)

4. EAT

I cannot stress this enough! Eat during the day before a night of drinking and try and have a good breakfast the morning after as well. The food will help soak up the alcohol and it’ll keep you feeling miles better. There’s a reason the phrase is “Eat, drink and be merry” in that order.



Having a heap of different drinks may have you feeling fantastic in the moment but about an hour later your stomach may start having a very public disagreement with you. Ease yourself into it! Actually enjoy the drink, take a minute and take it in. Take your time with one type of drink before moving on to another. If all else fails try to remember the age old saying “Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear”.



Man drinking a large bottle of water

Throughout the night do not forget to keep yourself hydrated with some good old fashioned h2o. Excess alcohol can cause dehydration and then on top of that if you’re losing more fluid than you’re consuming, you’re also dehydrated. In other words, if your night includes sweating, crying or vomiting then you are losing fluid. Drink it in shots if that makes it more interesting. For every shot of tequila, pair it with a shot of water. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.



After a night of drinking by the time you get home you’re exhausted and ready for a good long sleep. The best thing to do before taking that slumber is to take some paracetamol, (please don’t do this if there hasn’t been a sufficient amount of time since your last drink) you’re less likely to feel as bad if your head hurts a little less.

These 5 may work for some and may not work for others but it never hurts to try. Remember drink responsibly and have a wonderful start to the New Year.

NBA on Christmas Day Round-Up

This post was written by TCS Contributor Jireh Antwi.

If you’re an NBA fan you know that Christmas day is normally a good indicator of how the season is going to pan out. It allows everyone in the league to see how far you’ve come, the chemistry and cohesion your players have and what you’ll be facing in the play-offs. As always, there were a few big games this year. The annual Cleveland Cavaliers vs the Golden State Warriors but without Kyrie Irving, OKC vs Houston with the new addition of Paul George, Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul with CP3 unfortunately out of this game, Boston Celtics vs Washington Wizards, the Philadelphia Sixers vs New York Knicks and the Minnesota Timberwolves vs the LA Lakers.


The NBA was just made for Christmas Day

Let’s start with the biggest game of the year, the Cavs vs the GSW, a game that didn’t have the 2x MVP Steph Curry playing due to an ankle injury. This already gave a mixed expectation of what was to come in the game as, without Curry, the Warriors (albeit still winning) aren’t as effective as they normally are. The Curry effect is real. With him on the floor, shooting percentages go up as more players on his team can take shots benefiting from his unique style of play, effectively stretching defences the moment he crosses half court. But with such a big miss to the Warriors, it was left to the number 1 and number 2 players in the NBA, Kevin Durant for the Warriors and Lebron James for the Cavs (I’ll let you decide who goes where), to go head-to-head. But it wasn’t only the GSW without a key player as the Cavs missed their second main offensive option, Isiah Thomas, as he is also out with a hip injury until January.

The game started off very strong for the Cavs, outscoring the Warriors in the 1st quarter, and it looked to be a long night for the Warriors as  King James begun by dominating 28-24. However, the Warriors, being the NBA Champions, weren’t about to roll over, and as is reminiscent of their style of play, ended up playing amazing defence. Then, for the next three quarters their offence was unstoppable, ending the game 99-92. Draymond Green with a triple double of the game (12pts, 12 reb, 11 ast) and then Kevin Love for the Cavs with (31pts, 18 reb, 0 ast).

Nevertheless, there were some controversial calls at the end of the game which fans felt allowed the Warriors to win. If that’s true, then I can’t end this without bringing you back to game 4 of the NBA Finals. Kevin Durant on LBJ’s last possession, seemed to have fouled him with the ball going out of bounds. If Lebron had scored the lay-up, it would have been a 1 point game, but the refs gave no call, KD emphasised that Lebron is too big to have easily knocked the ball out of his hands like that. In the end, this was just a possible taste of what could be another NBA Finals game for this year.

KD looking ecstatic with his defence against the King, Lebron accuses him of fouling him twice via Bleacher report.

Oklahoma City Thunders vs Houston Rockets, the MVP of last season and most likely the MVP of this season went head-to-head and it was a great game. Both offensive juggernauts, James Harden and Russel Westbrook were on the court, but what came as a shock to some was that Harden didn’t make it look as easy as usual, with Westbrook scoring 31 pts with 11ast and 6 reb and Harden scoring 29 pts with 14 ast and 8 reb. Both are instrumental to their team, but on this occasion, the addition of Paul George who had 24 pts, and Carmelo Anthony who had 20pts, proved too much for Harden and the Rockets ending the game 112-107. This means OKC have now beaten the Warriors and the Rockets this season, but they’ll have to go through at least one of these teams in a play-off series if they wish to make the NBA final.

Boston Celtics vs the Washington Wizards. The Celtics have looked to be in a bit of a slump of late, recently losing a handful of games and transforming them from a team to be reckoned with in the east, to now playing second fiddle again. The Wizards went on a 12-0 run in the fourth quarter leaving it late and winning 111-103. It would be interesting to see with this possible matchup and hopefully the addition of Gordon Hayward coming back how a series would pan out. Kyrie Irving had 20 pts, 5 ast, 4 reb and John Wall 21 pts, 14 ast, 5 rebs.

Russell Westbrook led his team to victory with their fifth straight win. (AP)

The Philadelphia Sixers vs The New York Knicks ended 105-93 with Joel Embiid having a massive night scoring 22pts and having 6 rebounds for the game. J.J Reddick was also a massive stand out with 24pts for the Sixers. However, the most impressive player on the court had to be Enes Kanter for the Knicks. With 31pts and 22 rebounds, this play definitely makes it one of the best games of his career, though unfortunately this still wasn’t enough for them to take the win at home.

Lastly, the Minnesota Timberwolves vs the Los Angeles Lakers ended 121–104 with Kyle Kuzma having another 30+ game which, despite the loss, is very impressive for a rookie. It is to be noted that Kuzma and Lebron James are the only rookies in the last 30+ seasons to have a 30+ game which could be a good indicator for Kuzma’s future. Karl Anthony Towns scored 21pts and had 10 rebounds in the winning game whilst Jimmy Butler helped out with 23pts, 8 ast, 5 rebs.

Overall, the anticipated games didn’t disappoint, lots of them having several highlights that will give sports analysts plenty to talk about. The biggest disappointment of the day was the no-show of the usual annual NBA Christmas jerseys. It seems Nike weren’t feeling the Christmas spirit this year.

The Generation Gap

by Jamie Aira Agbuya

The Generational gap prevails, and so the frustration of Millennials and Gen Z (Generation Z or Post-Millennials) increases. The generational conflict between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials is no secret. Unlike the Baby Boomers, who were born in post-World War 2 climate in an increasingly optimistic and financially stable world, Millennials and post-Millennials were born into a world distinguished by increasing inter-regional and inter-community conflicts, and faced challenges such as terrorism and environmental concerns. The current rift between the generations continue to grow.

Although it is fair to say that not all Boomers or Gen X (Generation X) are as neglectful or disregarding as many Millennials feel, you cannot ignore the fact that a clear majority of the Millennials feel disregarded and not taken seriously enough. According to The Guardian, “Young people were left on average 7% worse off after the 2008 financial crash; the over-60s 11% better off.” This explains why Millennials often feel neglected by older people. In terms of politics, many younger people feel that the older generation currently in charge, make decisions without thinking about how it will affect the subsequent generations (i.e. Brexit). Many young people feel that Boomers just see Millennials as lazy, reckless, whiny kids who fear ‘hard graft’ and ‘obsessed’ by status, more interested in taking selfies and scrolling through social media rather than do anything useful.


A striking number of Millennials feel that the previous generations have pretty much ruined everything for them. They have significantly increased tuition fees, leaving many students in crippling debt. Home ownership rates have decreased as house prices are ridiculously high, making it hard for young people to buy houses of their own. On the other hand, the previous generation (Gen X) evidently had it easier. They were paid by the state to go to university and they were also pretty much the last generation to be able to afford home ownership and get a mortgage while working minimum wage jobs.

How are Millennials supposed to make a mark of their own if the older generations don’t let them show their full potential? This brings us right back to their increasing frustration. Many are grateful towards a number of those from previous generations who recognise the younger people’s hard graft, and those who openly and genuinely want to help the young one’s succeed. However, the question of whether one generation had it tougher than the other remains. The older generations need to recognise that it is those from Millennials and Gen Z who will be leading the world in the future, and so it is essential that they are educated fit enough to know just how to. Increasing tuition fees, housing prices etc. are of no help as it just leaves the current generation in debt.

For now, the gap still exists and will probably continue to exist in the future, until major changes are made.

Jamie Aira Agbuya was born in the Philippines and is of Filipino, Spanish and French descent. She is currently studying American Studies at Swansea University. She writes poetry, short stories, plays and is currently a contributor for TCS. Follow her on twitter @jamieaira.

Black Is The New Black

Can 2017’s talent even be summed up in better words than “mans not hot”. Michael Dapaah is an amazing example of what black comedic talent has become. If you didn’t hear the freestyle that changed the game for a lot of us then you’re missing out. Acting as his character “Big Shaq” (previously Roadman Shaq) Michael did what most UK rap artists get the opportunity to do, he went to BBC radio one Xtra to see Charlie Sloth and do a “fire in the booth”.

Now his fire in the booth (FITB) wasn’t the first to get international recognition, there are countless YouTube videos of different people all around the world reacting to FITB’s but the thing that made Big Shaq’s stand out was the dedication to the role. He didn’t break character at all, so much so that I saw people on social media platforms who believed that the person Big Shaq was hilarious, without even knowing that Michael Dapaah was the man behind the genius. The success of the fire in the booth was so much so that Michael went on to make an actual music video for the song in America because “mans international now init” . His success wasn’t only loved by black Brits but it’s been loved by people all over, we’ve seen quotes of his lyrics now used by people from Mr Jake Wood (Max Branning from eastenders) to Issa Rae (creator and actor in HBO’s Insecure) and if that wasn’t enough, the man himself, Mr Shaquille O’Neal did his own “Big Shaq” man’s not hot freestyle. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.


If we’re giving out crowns for dedication to comedic talent we can’t stop at Michael Dapaah. Michaela Cole (creator, writer and actor in E4’s ‘Chewing Gum’ is another black Brit who has received international success for her comedic role. As someone who’s followed Michaela on social media for a while I feel like I’ve watched the growth of her career first hand and it’s been outstanding.

Most people know Michaela from Chewing Gum (or Chewing Gum Dreams as the play version was known before TV adaption) but they don’t know that before all of that, Michaela Cole simply went by Michaela the poet. She used to write poetry and was even featured on a few songs. In her final year of drama school she knew she didn’t want to act in one of the period dramas that was usually used as a final year project in her school so she went on to write her own one woman show to perform which was Chewing Gum Dreams. Eventually, that one woman show went on to be a successful play picked up by Channel 4 to become a successful television show and since then Michaela’s life hasn’t been the same.

Michael Dapaah and Michaela Cole are fantastic examples of how systems that may not be built to showcase your talent or dreams can eventually work in your favour – if you just persevere and keep on dedicating yourself to your craft that is. In both of their cases they had been featured in popular friends’ songs or videos and still were not where they wanted to be. Instead of allowing themselves to be discouraged, they continued to work at their goals and became the versions of themselves that they are now.

The past few years we’ve started to see that to be black and talented you don’t need to be the stereotypical aggressor, or necessarily musical. You can just be yourself and make memories saying the ting goes skrr. What a time to be alive.

The Robots Will Come Back To Kill Us

Over the years we’ve seen many technological advancements, some of which we’ve been grateful for and others that we’ve been more than a little anxious about.

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race” -Professor Stephen Hawking in a 2014 interview with the BBC.


We started by adapting to using things like computers in our everyday lives and GPS became second nature, meaning we didn’t have to keep pulling over and looking at maps or asking for directions. We’ve even managed to get so comfortable trusting technology to do the small things that we’ve allowed for more than a few subtle changes to occur in our lives.  Over the past decade, we have seen actual leaps and bounds in technological developments. 10 years ago, the idea that facial recognition software could be used for social means (such as SnapChat) would have seemed like it was part of a Star Trek Fanfiction series.

In the early 2000’s we saw the introduction of robotics in toys, household appliances and such, then in 2009 Google took a giant step by creating a self-driving car. After that it was almost like seeing a domino effect of growth. We saw the introduction of infra-red detection software in games and we even saw companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft introduce software with the ability to answer questions and perform functions.Google’s self-driving car.

With all these beneficial advancements you then have to ask yourself why in 2015 an open letter to ban the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in weapons was signed by over 3000 researchers, including well known figures like Professor Stephen Hawking himself.

One major reason why scientists may be against the use of AI could be the fact that technology isn’t fool proof. One of the biggest issues with technology (aside from the post-apocalyptic fantasies seen in blockbuster movies where technology begins to fight man,) is the fact that it can be hacked. This may not seem like a huge issue when we’re looking at computers or banks (though it should) it becomes a massive issue when we start putting that same technology into military weaponry. Hackers are already offering their services via the darknet, to hack into military bot and police drones for a fee.

I wish I could say that it was complicated to hack a drone, but some sites have even laid steps out for people like me who are useless with technology. The reality of the situation is that the ability to hack military weapons is dangerous for everyone involved. It’s not only a problem if opposing sides get hold of the technology, it’s also a problem if the everyday hacker does. Someone who has no idea how to work a weapon can cause serious damage to people just by trying to prove to someone that they have the skills to take control of it.

Necessity is the mother of invention, but it seems like we’ve put so much faith in technology to do the things that we used to need humans for that we’re almost making humans obsolete. Walking, talking ‘feeling’ sex robots even exist now. Is enough finally enough? Or is this just the inevitable next step in evolution? I’m not sure I want to stick around to find out.


Mo Farah’s Fairytale: BBC Sports Personality of the Year

By Jireh Antwi

In 1991 an 8-year-old Somalian refugee came to Britain speaking little English. Fast forward 26 years later, Sir Mohammed Farah is Britain’s most successful track athlete, winning four Olympic golds and 6 world championship titles. For these feats, he was knighted by Queen in November 2017. What he has managed to achieve is truly nothing short of spectacular. Breaking countless British records and leading the long distance track circuit, he has dominated the world stage for several years.

Despite all these accomplishments, he wasn’t favored to win the trophy. In the lead up to this event, Anthony Joshua was viewed as the favorite, especially after his win against Wladimir Klitschko. Joshua achieved a scintillating victory in front of a sell out crowd at Wembley stadium, to retain his WBA and IBF world heavyweight titles. Nonetheless, Farah defied the odds to shock viewers at home and even a few people in the crowd like the husband of world record marathon runner Paula Radcliffe. Radcliffe’s husband was spotted by various BBC viewers who argued via Twitter that he shook his head and mouthed the explicit outburst of ‘What a F**king joke’ in response to Mo Farah’s victory.

Many on Twitter claimed Lough’s mouthed a negative comment in reaction to Farah’s victory. (Source: BBC)

It’s worth noting that Paula Radcliffe was the last runner to win the award in 2002. The night didn’t go as smooth as previous years either. Millions of viewers were able to see Farah’s delighted and shocked reaction via a video link. Unfortunately, the connection was lost and the BBC proceeded to end the show.  It was quite an anticlimactic moment.

Farah was utterly shocked by the result. (Source: BBC)

After the show, Mo Farah thanked the public and the people who voted for him. Via the BBC video link Farah stated: ”To be honest, I’m kind of shocked. I didn’t prepare any speech”.

Sir Mo Farah was one of the 12 contenders for the award. He has been previously shortlisted for the award times before, and his highest placement until this year, was third place in 2011. Farah added another highlight to his 2017. He is the first runner in 15 years to win the title. This award will sit alongside his other huge feats of 2017, namely winning the World 10,000m gold medal in London.  

The Blues Keep Marching on: City Vs Spurs

By Jireh Antwi

Over the weekend, Manchester City continued to show very good form against  Tottenham Hotspurs, in their premier league fixture. City’s attacking prowess which was displayed at Old Trafford and was on show again at the Etihad Stadium.

Image result for manchester city vs tottenham

Gündoğan opened Manchester City’s goal scoring account with putting them ahead at the 14th minute. ( Source: Action Images via Reuters)

Pep Guardiola’s side pressed the Tottenham players at every section of the pitch, taking advantage of  Spurs’ counter-attacking approach and Hugo Lloris’ poor distribution from the back. Spurs could barely break the first line of City’s formation. So much so, that they only managed two shots on target the whole game, compared to 11 from City. Even Spurs’ in-form Harry Kane, one of the best strikers in the league, failed to make an impact. Thus far, Tottenham has had a very good campaign in Europe; qualifying top of their Champions’ League group including defeating Real Madrid along on the way. Unfortunately, such form has not translated into their recent league games.

Europe’s rising star Kevin de Bruyne showed why he is so highly regarded. Throughout, the game he displayed hunger and desire, propelling the team forward through his intricate passing. Off the ball he also showed his work-ethic, taking on defensive duties as well. De Bruyne put on a masterclass and it heavily frustrated the opposition. Dele Alli in the 68th minute made an incredibly rash and dangerous challenge. In the slow-motion replay of the tackle, Alli’s recklessness’ was further highlighted. Guardiola’s reaction further exacerbated City’s response to the tackle. Likewise, Harry Kane made an equally careless challenge on Raheem Sterling.

After receiving treatment De Bruyne came back onto the pitch and made his presence instantly known.  Gündoğan passed it out wide to De Bruyne leading him to run towards goal and smash it past Lloris making it 2-0 at the 70th minute.

Kevin De Bruyne being congrulated on his goal, which took City two up at the 70th minute. (source: AFP)

Raheem Sterling went on to score another two goals in the last ten minutes of the game. At full time the tie ended at 4-1. This fixture could have easily witnessed six or seven goals; Gabriel Jesus missed a penalty striking the post and Fernandinho lacked composure a few yards from goal.

This win puts Manchester City 14 points clear at the top of the league table, stretching their winning streak to 16 games. Pep holds the record for the most consecutive wins in the Bundesliga (Bayern Munich) and La Liga (Barcelona) and now in the premier league with Manchester City. With no signs showing that they are going to slow down, Manchester City are in spectacular form. Pep and his side are making the premier league look like a one team competition.

The question now is, will anyone defeat this mighty side in the league and Europe?