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Irish abortion referendum to be held in May

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar announced this week that a referendum on repealing the Eighth Amendment to the country’s Constitution will take place in May. The Amendment, which purports to give ‘equal status’ to a mother and her unborn child, means in practice that abortion is only permitted in case of risk to a mother’s life, but not in cases of rape or severe foetal abnormality. Varadkar also confirmed that he would be campaigning for the Eighth Amendment to be repealed, and for the introduction of a new medical regime allowing terminations until the twelfth week of pregnancy.

Prime Minister Leo Varadkar announcing the date of the referendum (Source: RTE)

Cabinet Ministers, most of whom hail from the centrist Fine Gael party, voted unanimously to allow Irish voters to have their first say on abortion since 1983. At that referendum, an overwhelming 67% of voters backed the introduction of the Eighth Amendment which then banned abortion even when the mother’s life was at risk. But Varadkar pointed out that this means no Irish citizen under the age of 52 has had a say on the matter, including the Prime Minister himself, who was four at the time of the vote.

Indeed, early polls have suggested that Irish voters lean towards repealing the Amendment and permitting abortion. An Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll published last week suggests those in favour of changing the constitution lead those who oppose it by 56% to 29%. Unsurprisingly, the most significant divide in terms of demographics comes with age, with 74% of people aged 18-24 in favour of repealing the Eighth Amendment, but only 36% of over-65’s expressing the same view. There is little evidence, though, of a sex-based divide, with male and female voters supporting the constitutional change by margins of 25% and 28% respectively.

Students with ‘Repeal’ jumpers sit behind Varadkar as he conducts an interview at Queen’s University Belfast (Source: The Irish News)

It looks likely, then, that the vote will come down to an overall stand-off between older, more religious voters with generally conservative views, and younger, progressive-minded and more sceptical voters. Indeed, this referendum may serve as an indicator of the continuing influence of the Catholic Church in the country. In recent years more and more people have turned away from the Church in the wake of child abuse scandals, and many of its general teachings on personal morality appear less relevant to a country that voted heavily in favour of gay marriage in 2015, and now has an openly gay Prime Minister in Varadkar. A victory for the repeal side would prove another blow to the strongly anti-abortion institution of Catholicism.

Yet what should be most central to Ireland’s ultimate decision is the question of whether the country’s attitudes to women’s rights have changed since the last referendum. In the years since 1983, strong evidence of the negative effects of the strict abortion laws have begun to cause a shift in opinion on this issue. Thousands of Irish women attempt to travel to the UK every year in order to have an abortion, including a 14-year-old rape victim who was prevented from doing so by the government in 1992. In addition, drugs to induce abortions, illegal in Ireland, have been widespread in recent years.

In line with this evidence, the argument will be made by the pro-repeal side that abortions already exist in Ireland, and that a vote to repeal the Eighth amendment would simply ensure women are able to do so in a safer and less distressing environment. If such an argument can win over undecided voters who choose to place their concern for the wellbeing of women over their religious doctrines, then May’s vote may offer a significant turning point in a country where liberalising abortion laws has been nearly unthinkable.

Has Migration Disconnected “Third Culture Kids” from their Native Counterpart?

By Jamie Aira Agbuya.

As a Third Culture Kid (TCK) myself, I felt compelled to write about this topic and research the apparent disconnect between TCKs and their native homeland in exploration of my own identity and own detachment to my native homeland.

According to sociologist David C. Pollock, a Third Culture Kid is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parent’s culture.

The TCK frequently builds relationships to all of the cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although elements from each culture may be assimilated into the TCKs life experience, and the sense of belonging to others of similar background.

As a TCK, based on my experiences in life, I’d have to say that I definitely resonate with Pollock. I spent a significant part of my developmental years outside of my parent’s culture, and each culture I have been immersed in has in some way helped contribute to my identity.

At first, TCKs were children of expatriates including: missionaries, military personnel, diplomats, and businessmen. Today, however, migration and globalisation have significantly increased, and so many families now live abroad due to a range of reasons, e.g. parents of TCKs from economically less-developed countries wanting a better upbringing and better opportunities for their children.

There are many types of TCKs, some being:

· Traditional TCKs – Children who move into another culture with parents due to a parent’s career choice

· Bi/multi-cultural/and/or bi/multi-racial children – Children born to parents from at least two cultures or races

· Children of immigrants – Children whose parents have made a permanent move to a new country where they were not originally citizens

· Children of refugees – Children whose parents are living outside their original country or place due to difficult circumstances such as war, violence, famine, or natural disasters

· Children of minorities – Children whose parents are from a racial or ethnic group which is not part of the majority or ethnicity of the country in which they live

Although being a TCK has many benefits, such as being immersed in different cultures, it does have adverse effects. One being a struggle of identity. A significant amount of people around the world commonly struggle with their identity at some point in their lives, however, TCKs are predominantly affected by it. For example; I was born in the Philippines, but I grew up in the UK. This has largely affected me because I did not grow up immersed in Filipino culture as a native kid would. As a consequence, I struggle to understand and speak the language, and I struggle to find some form of connection to this country I am supposed to call ‘home’.

Where are we ‘from’?

What is identity?

According to Epstein (1978), identity “represents the process by which the person seeks to integrate his/her various statuses and roles, as well as his/her diverse experiences, into a coherent image of self”. We are all looking for identity, but trying to figure out our individual identity is one of the biggest tasks we have. Adolescents find it harder to answer the question as some may become overwhelmed by the task of identity development. TCKs in particular would find it more difficult as most already go through identity crisis at a younger age.

When we have been immersed in a particular culture long enough to internalise its behaviours and assumptions behind them, we have an almost intuitive sense of what is right, humorous, appropriate, or offensive in any particular situation. Being “in the know” gives us a sense of stability, deep security and belonging.

In the opinion of Nieto (1999), “Culture consists of the values, traditions, social and political relationships, and worldview created, shared, and transformed by a group of people bound together by a common history, geographic location, language, social class, and/or religion.”

When people migrate to another country as adults, they experience culture shock and need a period of adjustment. This is because their value system, sense of identity, and the establishment of core relationships with family and friends have already developed in their home culture. Their basic sense of who they are and where they belong are already intact. However, children and adolescents who move among different cultures are doing so before they have formed their own personal and cultural identity. This is where migration has disconnected Third Culture Kids from their native culture. TCKs tend to grow up in a culture where their personal and cultural identity are formed through different cultures and identities they come across outside of their native culture.

Interestingly, TCKs tend to have more in common with one another, regardless of nationality, than they do with non-TCKs from their own country. Most of my friends are TCKs, and I can unequivocally say that most of us aren’t as connected to our native counterparts as we’d like. Although there are probably TCKs out there who are greatly immersed in their native culture, there are many who are definitely disconnected.


Jamie Aira Agbuya was born in the Philippines and is of Filipino, Spanish and French descent. She is currently studying American Studies at Swansea University. She writes poetry, short stories, plays and is currently a contributor for TCS. Follow her on twitter @jamieaira

NFL Superbowl 52

By Jireh Antwi.

Where and What time

New England Patriots vs the Philadelphia Eagles – This Sunday February 4th at 23:30 GMT at the Minnesota Vikings U.S Bank Stadium in Minneapolis for Superbowl LII (52).

The Get to know

Tom Brady the New England Patriots historic quarterback, arguably one of the greatest of all time, 5-time Superbowl winner, could be making it 6 this year. Last year’s Superbowl, it seemed all was lost for the Patriots when the Atlanta Falcons ran away with a 21-3 score in the second quarter and what looked like Tom Brady being prepared by social media to be a new meme.

However, he showed everyone what he can do and who he is, ending the game in a 34-28 win and adding a 5th title to his resume. Even with his hand injury in the AFC championship game against the Jacksonville Jaguars, he still guided his team to victory with 2 touchdowns overall, although it looked to be a blow out at the start game in the Jaguars favour. Let’s see if he can retain the Super bowl title and put in a spectacle for the world to see.

The Philadelphia Eagles dominated the Vikings in the NFC Championship game beating them 38-7, they were at 15 wins and 3 losses in the season so far and the Patriots likewise had 15 wins and 3 losses all the way to the final match. If the Eagles win, it will be the first time they have won the Lombardi Trophy with 2 appearances previously, whilst the New England Patriots will be adding to their dynasty and another one in the book for head coach Bill Belichick making it 8 Superbowl appearances for him in his reign with the Pats.

Eagles have lost their number 1 quarterback Carson Wentz who played tremendously and was in for a shot for the seasons MVP award with Nick Coles filling in that role having made 78% off his passes for 352 yards and 3 touchdowns and no interceptions. The chance for the Eagles to win would come from their deep defensive line and hopefully being able to put pressure on a 40-year-old Tom Brady. The Eagles and Patriots have met before in the Superbowl in 2004 with a close game, Patriots just edging 24-21 in the 4th quarter.

Eagles and Patriots members on the opening night of the Superbowl week.

Half-Time Performance

Justin Timberlake is headlining the Pepsi half-time performance show this year, let’s hope there isn’t another controversy similar to the last time with Janet Jackson. With Justin dropping new music this year, he will be looking to put on a spectacle to thrust himself to his usual best self.

The anticipated adverts and trailers for movies and products are also something to look out for! Already, Doritos and Mountain Dew have released an iconic one featuring Busta Rhymes, Peter Dinklage, Morgan Freeman and Missy Elliot. You can watch that here:

The Patriots will be sure to be the favourites to win, but I’m sure most of America will be rooting for the Eagles in this uphill task. You’ll be able to watch the game and the lead up to the game on BBC1.


Jireh is a Microbiology and Molecular Biology graduate from the Manchester Metropolitan University. He has a passion for various sports, scientific discovery and trainer brands.

Twitter: @Ray_G95

Trump’s un-Trumpian address

As is tradition at a State of the Union address, Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan were seated behind Donald Trump as he spoke to the nation. While Pence looked on proudly during the speech, Ryan’s expression was somewhat harder to decipher. If a slight detection of bemusement at Trump could be seen on his face at certain points, this would be perfectly understandable. Not because it was a bad speech, but precisely because it wasn’t.

Trump, flanked by Mike Pence and Paul Ryan (Source: The Washington Post)

Trump’s approach to the State of the Union was positively un-Trumpian. He appeared humble, often drawing attention to the achievements of others where in previous speeches the focus has been squarely on himself and his own accomplishments. Even the legislation Trump has passed in areas such as tax reform and health insurance were hailed as ‘our’ successes, despite his previous attempts to take complete credit for them.

He stuck to the script, and talked about policy and patriotism, without any rambling segways on ‘Crooked Hillary’ and her emails, or the FBI and its ‘witch hunt’. For sure, he continued to push his hard-right themes, particularly on immigration, but seemed to express them in terms of compassion rather than anger and spite. Nowhere was this truer than when he acknowledged the families of victims of gang violence, making the point that cutting immigration would prevent such violence from reoccurring. Using a tragedy for political point-scoring maybe, but we should not underestimate the traction it had with viewers.

All of which will leave more establishment Republicans tearing their hair out as to why he doesn’t perform like this all the time. The speech certainly was not devoid of Trump’s own odd idiosyncrasies, the most notable being his irritating habit of clapping directly into the microphone at various stages during the speech, his hands slapping together gratingly like two wet mackerels on the back of a bumpy trawler. Yet on the whole he seemed a different, more mature and sensitive Trump. Much of the GOP must feel that if he were to carry on like this, he could make – whisper it quietly – a halfway decent politician.


Trump clapping himself, directly into the microphone (Source: USA Today)

Will he carry on like this, though? It seems at best unlikely. The State of the Union address can be something of a political open goal for presidents. The grand setting and teleprompted speech can project decorum onto even the most outlandish of figures, and the fact that almost any statement will be fanatically applauded by huge swathes of the audience can only make a president look good. But it is hard to conceive of Trump sticking to his more statesmanlike persona in other contexts. He seems incapable of controlling his stream of late-night tweets, his 280 characters usually filled with rage and self-aggrandisement rather than compassion and modesty. Already, he has made the arrogant and apparently inaccurate boast that viewing figures for his address were record-breaking.

Most of his speeches in the coming months will likely be at campaign-style rallies, where his wayward, shoot-from-the-hip oratory will go down a treat among a sycophantic crowd lapping up his every word, while alienating more moderate voters. The new State of the Union Trump we saw on Tuesday night may have been far more effective than the usual ‘I am a genius’ Trump, but it will probably only go to show Republicans what they are missing.

BREAKING: Rohingya Mass Graves Discovered in Burma – History will Never Forgive us for the Rohingya Genocide

Associated Press (AP) broke news earlier this morning, confirming the existence of 5 previously unreported mass graves in Burma. For sometime western media had been unable to report emphatically on an organised military extermination of Rohingya people in the Burmese village of Gu Dar Pyin. The government vehemently denied that this attack on Rohingya civilians ever took place. That is until AP broke the news that evidence of the mass burial of victims of this atrocity as well as four others have been found.

The graves, confirmed by AP through eyewitness testimonies of two dozen Rohingya survivors in Bangladesh and their time-stamped videos are bearing testimony against the Burmese government’s insistence that it is not targeting civilians but also strengthening growing global worries that the situation in Burma is more than mere ethnic violence but government-sanctioned genocide.
“This is one of the worst emergencies I’ve been involved in. On my first day four people died, and that’s really shocking to me, even though I’m a hardened old doctor” says Dr Ian Cross of Médicins Sans Frontièrs (Doctors without borders or MSF).

If you’ve bought The Economist or The Week lately you might have seen the promotional material from the lauded development charity where this quote was taken:

Promotional Material for Médicins Sans Frontiers (Credit: Muhammad Oleolo).

Tonally, this message has been diluted several degrees so as to be non-polarising. MSF, UNICEF, the World Food Program and Others, while necessarily having to make apolitical statements to do the work they are doing for the Rohingya, are not accurately signposting the nature of the disaster.

To speak of this issue as a crisis of humanitarian concern, while true, is not the actual message. An ethnic group is being specifically targeted through violence (something that MSF has maintained is the cause of the crisis) which has fuelled a wave of refugees; malnourished and stateless.

Rohingya woman with children in refugee camp in 2017 (Credit: Seyyed Mahmoud Hosseini, Tasnim News Agency).

The discovery of these mass graves is not only a red flag but a call to action. It is a clear indication of attempts to exterminate a population. It gives lie to the myth that Burma is simply hunting terrorists.

Twitter user claiming that Rohingya discrimination is justified in order to curb extremism (evidence of extremism and wahhabi links not provided).

It may seem unnecessary to be caught in semantics while people are being slaughtered but the slaughter is made possible by an international community still perceiving this issue the same way as they would treat a mudslide or a drought. This is targeted ethnic cleansing the likes of which we have yet to see this decade; a spade ought to be called a spade in such situations.

Genocides of the past were possible through the passivity of the international community. Here are some things you can do right now to mitigate the damage being done:

Donate to Doctors Without Borders http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/rohingya-refugee-crisis

Donate to the World Food Program http://m.wfp.org/news/news-release/wfp-concerned-about-high-malnutrition-rates-among-rohingya-refugees-cox’s-bazar

Urge Parliament to vote in imposing financial sanctions on Burma https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/200224

Urge Parliament to suspend UK training of the Burmese Military https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/200089

This list is not exhaustive and one can suspect that this catastrophic event is going to have to draw on the power of social media more than any in recent memory.

Our failure as an international community, especially those of us tasked with reporting the truth, to challenge Burma for these crimes against humanity will not be looked at favourably by history.

UKIP and Henry Bolton: A Love-Hate Story

To say Henry Bolton faces an uphill battle to save his political career would be a colossal understatement. The UKIP leader of four months has so far resisted deafening calls from within his own party to resign in the wake of the discovery of racist messages about Prince Harry’s fiancée Meghan Markle, sent on social media by his girlfriend, Jo Marney. His failure to stand down, even despite later being pictured dining with Marney, whom he had supposedly broken up with, and stating that they could later get back together, sparked a series of resignations among his frontbench, and a unanimous vote of no confidence passed against him in the party’s National Executive Committee.


UKIP’s under-fire leader Henry Bolton (Source: The Guardian)

This all begs the question of what he really expects can happen from here – is there any conceivable way to turn this around? At the moment he is a leader who has become hugely unpopular with his party, a party which has in turn become hugely unpopular with the public as a whole. In this sense, he resembles less a captain going down with his sinking ship than one shipwrecked on the sea floor, still trying to hopelessly row his way to dry land while being weighed down by a big racist anchor.

Despite not sending any similar messages himself that are known of, if he stands any chance of retaining his position as UKIP leader through a leadership challenge, he will have to convincingly answer questions of why someone who expresses the views Marney has is worth associating with at all, let alone starting a relationship with. Even if he miraculously survives as leader, this scandal is unlikely to help him win over new voters. Perhaps he thinks the British public will be inspired by this far-right version of Romeo and Juliet: star crossed lovers torn apart by vicious outsiders for no other reason than one of them having very racist views. Surely though, there is no way back for Bolton from now on.


Bolton with Jo Marney, the source of all the controversy (Source: Daily Express)

Looking at the bigger picture, this whole sorry episode speaks volumes about UKIP as well as Bolton. For all their protestations to the contrary, the sequence of events that have transpired in UKIP since Brexit have outed it essentially a single-issue party. When it had all the apparent injustices of an all-powerful, corrupt European elite to rail against, the party generally did a good job of staying united and convincing people of their argument.

Yet, in an ironic twist of fate, getting exactly what they wanted has led to their ruin. Following the vote to leave the EU, the one thing binding together the party’s motley crew of everyone from soft Tories to neo-fascists to your borderline racist uncle who lives in Kent, disappeared literally overnight. Remaining members of various viewpoints have struggled with one another since 2016 over the ideological direction the party should take. The Bolton controversy sums up this search for UKIP’s post-Brexit soul well, with bitter infighting between leading members of the party over the use of overtly far-right rhetoric. Whether Bolton stays or goes (though the latter is surely a heavy favourite), the party needs to work out where it stands, or face being consigned to history as a Brexit one-hit wonder.

Top 10 Movies to watch in 2018

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Ill give you the movie, you go watch the movie and then we can discuss the movie.

#1. Black Panther

Director – Ryan Coogler
Cast- Chadwick Boseman, Micheal B Jordan, Lupita Nyomg’o, Danai Gurira
The first all black casted movie in the Marvel universe, which is also directed by a black director.


#2. The Incredibles 2

Director-Brad Bird
Cast- Samuel L Jackson, Sophia Bush, Sarah Vowell, Holly Hunter, Craig T Nelson
The 13 year long wait for this movie would have grown men and women first in line to see this movie.

#3. Avengers: Infinity War

Director- Anthony and Joe Russo
Cast- Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chadwick Boseman
The third instalment in the Avengers franchise


#4. Maze Runner: The Death Cure

Director- Wes Ball
Cast- Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Aidan Gillen, Walton Goggins
The third movie adaptation of the book


#5. Pacific Rim: Uprising

Director- Steven S. Deknight
Cast- John Boyega, Cale Boyter, Scott Eastwood, Cailee Spaeny, Charlie Day, Burn Gorman
Sequel to Pacific Rim which is based around Jake Pentecost the son of a legendary Jaegar pilot General Stacker Pentecost

#6. Deadpool 2

Director- David Leitch
Cast- Ryan Reynolds, T.J Miller, Leslie Uggams, Stefan Kapičić, Josh Brolin
Ryan Reynolds gets back into the costume of the rude mouth hero Deadpool


#7. Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them: Crimes of Grindelwald

Director- David Yates
Cast- Eddie Redmayne, Johnny Depp,Ezra Miller, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol
Even though the production team and J.K Rowling have got a lot of stick from the casting of Johnny Depp after the Amber Heard abuse allegations. You cannot take away the fact that Depp is an amazing actor


#8. Ant-Man and The Wasp

Director- Peyton Reed
Cast- Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Walton Goggins, Judy Greer,Tip “T.I” Harris
Sequel to Ant-Man


#9. Mission: Impossible – Fallout

Director- Christopher McQuarrie
Cast- Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Alec Baldwin, Henry Cavill
6th outing for Tom Cruise as main character Ethan Hunt


#10. Tomb Raider

Director- Roar Uthaug
Cast- Alicia Vikander, Dominic West, Walton Goggins, Emily Careywq
Coming back to our big screens after Angelina Jolie portrayed Lara Croft in 2001, but this time bringing a new actress into the fold; Alicia Vikander.

Honorable Mentions:

Mama Mia: Here we go again
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Den of Thieves

Is Netflix Good for the Anime Industry?

By Daniel Okotako.

Anime is childish

When one thinks of anime, there is a typical perspective that it’s for children. But, I’m here to tell you that that’s just a lack of understanding. It’s a billion dollar industry that has middle-aged men hooked. Anime has many genres for the young and the mature, which makes it unique because animations have been viewed by the west as a childlike form of entertainment.

Many avid anime viewers would agree that in the West, Dragon Ball Z and Naruto were the flagship animes that grabbed the attention of people who were exposed to it for the first time. And now, because of this popularity of anime outside of Japan, Netflix believes that it has a huge market potential, making an investment in this industry worthwhile.

Original Dragon Ball Z characters created by Akira Toriyama.

What Have They Got Planned?

Netflix have announced that they’re hoping to invest a massive portion of US$8 billion in creating 30 anime series and 80 new original films for release in 2018. This is up from their initial US$6 billion projections. Some of the anime series’ that have been given the green light include: Cannon Busters; A.I.C.O Incarnation; Devilman Crybaby; B The Beginning; and Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya, to name a few.

Despite this influx of investment by Netflix, the release of their most recent project, Neo Yokio in September 2017, whose lead voice actor was Jaden Smith, wasn’t received well. Similarly, their live action film of the globally successful anime Death Note received devastatingly bad reviews. So, why is Netflix cashing in on such a niche market?

Netflix’s Neo Yokio was met with generally negative reviews.

Bad Publicity

The company knows that bad films or series doesn’t necessarily equate to people not buying into their service. In fact, it’s rather the opposite, and here’s why:

When a form of entertainment is really bad, what tends to happen is that it receives such a backlash from social media that it raises awareness of the series existence. This creates consumer curiosity and encourages people to buy the Netflix service even though they know the quality of the product is bad. People simply don’t want to miss out on all of the hype. In other words, there is no such thing as bad publicity. And, considering the fact that Netflix is a for-profit company, their incentives aren’t necessarily to make high quality anime that ‘otakus’ (obsessive anime enthusiasts) across the world would love, but rather, to make as much money as possible.

That being said, I doubt Netflix believe that they can’t use this marketing strategy for long. Sooner or later, destroying another big hit like Death Note as a ploy to gain customers, may just backfire, resulting in a decline of people watching the anime, or even worse, a drop in subscriptions.

Netflix Need The Japanese

Over the past few years, Netflix has been trying to increase its library so that up to 50% is formed of original content. But, is including anime as part of that plan beneficial for the anime industry? The Japanese anime industry has been quite stagnant in recent years because it would seem Japanese publishers operate business more cautiously. They tend to avoid taking risks unless they are 100% sure that they would be able to succeed. Consider the fact that the Japanese rely heavily on DVDs, Blue-ray and physical CD sales even though anime is now being consumed on a digital platform and is more profitable, evidently bringing awareness to a larger market in the West.

Nevertheless, anime fans outside of Japan are very passionate about it, so if Netflix are serious about producing quality anime, they need to put their tail between their legs and liaise better with the Japanese industry. They want my advice? The Japanese should produce it and the West should solely distribute it. I refuse to sit through another Death Note.



Daniel is a Mathematics with Computer Science student at the University of Essex. He has a strong passion for technology, specifically machine learning. He is also interested in Hip-Hop, Japanese culture and poetry. In his spare time he loves creating websites.

Twitter: @_dantako

Shutdown Battle Exposes Democrats’ Rifts

The response to the recent federal government shutdown shows that at times, the Democrats can be their own worst enemy.

Much of the coverage surrounding the vote to end the government shutdown has centred around how the Democrats, under Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, have ‘lost their nerve’ and ended up backing down for very little in return.

The Democrats were criticised by political opponents in Congress and the media for causing the government shutdown by opposing any legislation to prevent it without specific protection for ‘Dreamers’, young undocumented immigrants facing the threat of deportation under the Trump administration. Sensing public opinion was turning against them, having been portrayed as prioritising illegal immigrants over the uninsured American children the original bill was pledging to fund insurance for, the Democratic leadership opted to back down in exchange for a somewhat vague commitment from Republican majority leader Mitch McConnell that legislation on Dreamers will be put forward next month.


The Democrats’ leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer (Source: AP)

A disappointing outcome for the party as a whole, to be sure. But a closer look at the Democrats’ response to the issue belies the ideological faultlines running through the party. The only five Democrats (Joe Manchin, Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnelly, Claire McCaskill and newly elected Doug Jones) to back the original bill that was defeated by the party as a whole are generally on the right of the party, and all represent Republican-leaning states. Four of these senators are up for re-election at the mid-terms later this year, something they may have had one eye on while opting to side with Trump and the Republicans on this issue.

On the other side, there is an increasingly prominent and vocal left wing of the party. A list of the senators who defied their party leadership to vote against re-opening the government on Moday reads like a ‘Who’s Who’ of potential 2020 presidential candidates. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker – all among the most influential senatorial Democrats since Trump’s election victory – were among the rebels. Taking such a stand will surely have endeared them to majority of Democratic supporters, who were angered by Schumer’s decision to back down on the shutdown. Continuing to please this group, particularly while they are being disappointed by the rest of the party, can only help the more left-leaning Democrats in their long struggle to win their party’s nomination in around two years’ time.

Essentially, this issue comes down to the opening skirmishes in a battle for the soul of the party, one fought on both ideological and pragmatic grounds. The two extremes of the party clearly differed on their views on how to approach the shutdown, disagreeing on whether it was worth taking a step back on protecting Dreamers for the sake of restoring the government and enabling funding in other areas. Yet also it speaks to their views on the best way to challenge Trump in practice. Moderates view their best chance of winning over undecided voters in conservative regions, particularly those dissatisfied with Trump’s leadership, as offering a moderate alternative to their competition. Those further left, however, may point to Hillary Clinton’s failure in 2016 as proof that the adage that whoever holds the centre ground wins elections no longer applies. For them, the best way to take on non-establishment figures like Trump is with ‘outsiders’ of their own who offer a break with the past. If, and how, the Democrats are able to reconcile these profound differences ahead of crucial elections in 2018 and 2020 may prove essential to the ultimate direction the country takes.

DJ Khaled… and friends?

With the announcement of the acts performing at Wireless 2018 concert being released, the big question on everyone’s lips is “Who are DJ Khaled’s friends?”

With hits like “All I do is win“, “Wild thoughts” and “Shining“, Khaled is known for being a true hit-maker. So who could his friends be?

Featuring both Rihanna and Bryson Tiller, Wild Thoughts was a summer smash with it’s catchy lyrics and an instrumental sampled from Carlos Santana’s Maria Maria. Managing to reach the number one spot in the UK charts, Wild Thoughts could be the life of the Wireless festival.


By bringing together Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper and Lil’ Wayne, Khaled was able to create a fun summer sound which was only enhanced by the video itself which featured all 3 of the Migos and not just Quavo. Could this be a hint that all 3 of the Migos could be part of the travelling entourage ?


Calling on the iconic husband and wife duo that is Jay Z and Beyoncé, ‘Shining‘ proved itself to be the kind of song that you drive around listening to, singing along at the top of your lungs. Neither of the two have made much of a public appearance since the birth of their twins but this comeback would be fitting of the couple who are known for doing the unexpected.



3 years ago Khaled gave us Hold you down which featured Chris Brown, August Alsina, Future and Jeremih all four of whom are wildly popular, not just based on this song but also based on their standalone music which could also be at play during wireless.


Even before that, 6 years ago we had the DJ Khaled x YMCMB collaboration “I’m On One” which some could say solidified Khaled’s status as a group hit-maker. It certainly wasn’t his first song featuring other artists but due to the popularity of the Young Money label at the time, this song instantly became a popular hit.

DJ Khaled is currently part of the TV show “The Four: Battle For Stardom” alongside Diddy, Meghan Trainor and Charlie Walk. He also has songs with Alicia Keys, Nicki Minaj, Nas, John Legend and so many more!

For a man who doesn’t actually have many lines in songs, DJ Khaled sure does have a lot of friends.

Oscars: And The Nominees Are…

With the Oscars taking place at the Dolby theatre on the 4th of March, the full list of nominees is finally out! The 90th academy award nominees are as follows

In the category of ‘Best Picture

  • Dunkirk
  • Get Out
  • Call Me By Your Name
  • Lady Bird
  • The Post
  • Phantom Thread
  • Three Billboards Outside, Ebbing Missouri
  • The Shape of Water
  • Darkest Hour
Get Out: Nominated for Best Picture

In the category of ‘Best Actress

  • Sally Hawkins – The Shape Of Water
  • Margot Robbie – I, Tonya
  • Frances McDormand – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
  • Saoirse Ronan – Lady Bird
  • Meryl Streep – The Post

In the category of ‘Best Actor

  • Daniel Kaluuya – Get Out
  • Timothee Chalamet – Call Me By Your Name
  • Gary Oldman  Darkest Hour
  • Daniel Day-Lewis – Phantom Thread
  • Denzel Washington – Roman J Israel, Esq

In the category of ‘Best Supporting Actress

  • Mary J Blige – Mudbound
  • Octavia Spencer – The Shape of Water
  • Allison Janney – I, Tonya
  • Lesley Manville – Phantom Thread
  • Laurie Metcalf – Lady Bird

In the category of ‘Best Supporting Actor

  • Willem Dafoe – The Florida Project
  • Woody Harrelson – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
  • Richard Jenkins – The Shape Of Water
  • Christopher Plummer – All the Money in the World
  • Sam Rockwell – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

In the category of ‘Best Director

  • Dunkirk – Christopher Nolan
  • Get Out – Jordan Peele
  • Lady Bird – Greta Gerwig
  • Phantom Thread – Paul Thomas Anderson
  • The Shape of Water – Guillermo Del Toro

In the category of ‘Best Adapted Screenplay

  • Call Me By Your Name – screenplay by James Ivory
  • The Disaster Artist – screenplay by Scott Neustadter & Michael H Weber
  • Logan – screenplay by Scott Frank & James Mangold and Michael Green; story by James Mangold
  • Molly’s Game – written for the screen by Aaron Sorkin
  • Mudbound – screenplay by Virgil Williams and Dee Rees
Logan: Nominated for Best Screenplay

In the category of ‘Best Original Screenplay’

  • The Big Sick – written by Emily V Gordon & Kumail Nanjiani
  • Get Out – written by Jordan Peele
  • Lady Bird – written by Greta Gerwig
  • The Shape of Water – screenplay by Guillermo del Toro & Vanessa Taylor; story by Guillermo del Toro
  • Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri – written by Martin McDonagh

In the category of ‘Best Foreign Language Film

  • A Fantastic Woman (Chile)
  • The Insult (Lebanon)
  • Loveless (Russia)
  • On Body and Soul (Hungary)
  • The Square (Sweden)

In the category of ‘Best Original Song

  • Mighty River – Mudbound (Mary J Blige, Raphael Saadiq & Taura Stinson)
  • The Mystery of Love – Call Me By Your Name (Sufjan Stevens)
  • Remember Me – Coco (Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez)
  • Stand Up for Something – Marshall (Common & Diane Warren)
  • This Is Me – The Greatest Showman (Benji Pasek & Justin Paul)

In the category of ‘Best Original Score

  • Dunkirk – Hans Zimmer
  • Phantom Thread – Jonny Greenwood
  • The Shape of Water – Alexandre Desplat
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi – John Williams
  • Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri – Carter Burwell
Star Wars The Last Jedi: Nominated for Best Score

In the category of ‘Best Animated Feature

  • Boss Baby
  • The Breadwinner
  • Coco
  • Ferdinand
  • Loving Vincent

In the category of ‘Best Documentary Feature

  • Abacus
  • Faces Places
  • Icarus
  • Last Men in Aleppo
  • Strong Island

In the category of ‘Best Cinematography

  • Blade Runner 2049 – Roger Deakins
  • Darkest Hour – Bruno Delbonnel
  • Dunkirk – Hoyte van Hoytema
  • Mudbound – Rachel Morrison
  • The Shape of Water – Dan Laustsen

In the category of ‘Best Costume Design

  • Beauty and the Beast – Jacqueline Durran
  • Darkest Hour – Jacqueline Durran
  • Phantom Thread – Mark Bridges
  • The Shape of Water – Luis Sequeira
  • Victoria and Abdul – Consolata Boyle

In the category of ‘Best Make-up And Hairstyling

  • Darkest Hour – Kazuhiro Tsuji, David Malinowski & Lucy Sibbick
  • Victoria and Abdul – Daniel Phillips & Lou Sheppard
  • Wonder – Arjen Tuiten

In the category of ‘Best Production Design

  • Beauty and the Beast – production design by Sarah Greenwood; set decoration by Katie Spencer
  • Blade Runner 2049 – production design by Dennis Gassner; set decoration by Alessandra Querzola
  • Darkest Hour – production design by Sarah Greenwood; set decoration by Katie Spencer
  • Dunkirk – production design by Nathan Crowley; set decoration by Gary Fettis
  • The Shape of Water – production design by Paul Denham Austerberry; set decoration by Shane Vieau and Jeff Melvin

In the category of ‘Best Visual Effects

  • Blade Runner 2049 – John Nelson, Gerd Nefzer, Paul Lambert & Richard R Hoover
  • Guardian of the Galaxy Vol 2 – Christopher Townsend, Guy Williams, Jonathan Fawkner & Dan Sudick
  • Kong: Skull Island – Stephen Rosenbaum, Jeff White, Scott Benza & Mike Meinardus
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Ben Morris, Mike Mulholland, Neal Scanlan & Chris Corbould
  • War for Planet of the Apes – Joe Letteri, Daniel Barrett, Dan Lemmon & Joel Whist

In the category of ‘Best Film Editing

  • Dunkirk – Lee Smith
  • Baby Driver – Paul Machliss & Jonathan Amos
  • The Shape of Water – Sidney Wolinsky
  • I, Tonya – Tatiana S Riegel
  • Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri – Jon Gregory

 In the category of ‘Best Sound Editing

  • Blade Runner 2049 – Mark Mangini and Theo Green
  • Baby Driver – Julian Slater
  • The Shape of Water – Nathan Robitaille and Nelson Ferreira
  • Dunkirk – Richard King and Alex Gibson
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Matthew Wood and Ren Klyce

In the category of ‘Best Sound Mixing

  • Blade Runner 2049 – Ron Bartlett, Doug Hemphill and Mac Ruth
  • Baby Driver – Julian Slater, Tim Cavagin and Mary H Ellis
  • The Shape of Water – Christian Cooke, Brad Zoern and Glen Gauthier
  • Dunkirk – Mark Weingarten, Gregg Landaker and Gary A Rizzo
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi – David Parker, Michael Semanick, Ren Klyce and Stuart Wilson

In the category of ‘Best Animated Short

  • Lou
  • Garden Party
  • Dear Basketball
  • Negative Space
  • Revolting Rhymes

In the category of ‘Best Live Action Short

  • The Eleven O’Clock
  • DeKalb Elementary
  • My Nephew Emmet
  • The Silent Child
  • Watu Wote/All of Us

In the category of ‘Best Documentary Short

  • Edith + Eddie
  • Heaven Is a Traffic Jam on the 405
  • Heroin(e)
  • Knife Skills
  • Traffic Stop

The Shenanigans of Donald J Trump

By Jireh Antwi. 

Donald J Trump is certainly not a man of mystery; he lays it out bare with what he thinks and his actions are sometimes incomprehensible, but whether you find him entertaining or not, you certainly think he’s terrifying now that he has the power of the Free World in his hands.

He’s accomplished a lot of things in his lifetime, and being elected the 45th President of the United States is certainly his greatest one to date, although I suspect if you were to ask him he would claim it was something else. Nevertheless, let’s take a look at some of his least greatest accomplishments.

President Trump with Union leaders in the Oval Office

Over the past few decades he’s been covered in controversy. Whenever the name Trump was mentioned in the news there was a hot take attached to it, from Trump University, his failed wine business and several other venture flops, the Hollywood Access take with Billy Bush that had the infamous line I’m sure everyone is aware of, to the sexual allegations he’s faced numerous times and managed to evade. He even managed to worm his way out of accusations that he had had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels and bribed her to stay quiet a few months into his marriage with Melania. Although, pushing a NATO leader to get to the front will always be my personal favourite debacle, and it really gave a glimpse into the psychological make up of who Donald Trump is.

Since his early days, he’s always wanted to be liked, always wanted to be adored by celebrities and others alike. I reckon if he wasn’t a ‘self-made’ billionaire he would certainly be content with being a reality star, luckily for him he has both, being the head of the Celebrity Apprentice came with more exposure given his catchy phrase ‘You’re Fired’. Having previous cameos in Home Alone 2, The Fresh Prince of Bel-air, Pizza Hut commercials and the movie Zoolander.

Donald Trump’s appearance on the hit show The Fresh Prince of Bel Air as himself, making Will an offer to buy the Banks estate.

However, Trump’s words have landed him in hot water several times more so than one could count on their fingers – in fact, add a couple of hands to that. If it wasn’t his accusation of the Central Park 5 who were wrongfully convicted of raping a woman and never giving an apology, it would be the way he has spoken about his daughter Ivanka on several talk shows in quite an inappropriate manner. And, let us not forget about when he said that there were “very fine people” among the White Nationalists in the Charlottesville March back in august 2017 which resulted in the death of 32 year old Heather Heyer.

In his short time as president Trump has ramped up his controversies. Now, this could be due to the fact that he’s under constant spotlight and constant scrutiny, or, it could be that he’s now in charge so therefore it’s his way or the highway. So far he’s only managed to pass one major legislation which was a ‘tax cut’, this alone must have gotten him in the good books with the wealthy elite.

From day 1 he was obsessed with the numbers at his inauguration, stating that there were millions and millions who came out to see him in contrast to his predecessor Barack Obama. At most of his rallies before his time in the White house, and after his win against Hillary Clinton, he has rambled on ineloquently, repeating the same lines over and over, never being able to convey his messages adequately. I personally believe that he is easily distracted, and if he can’t talk about a topic that’s in relation to himself or paints himself in a positive light, he doesn’t show much interest. Some of his tell-tale signs and phrases are reiterating that he is ‘The least *insert negative trait here’ or ‘The most *insert positive trait here’ or ‘believe me’ when he’s lying (which is often).

45th President Donald Trump giving his speech at the official inauguration.

Halfway through 2017, there was speculations around his well-being. Psychologists, mental health experts and political commentators were anticipating that Trump had a mental health problem which was most likely to be dementia due to what seemed like bouts of memory loss and lack of concentration. As of recent, in Michael Wolff’s new book ‘Fire and Fury’, Trump’s own staff have been quoted as saying “he was incapable of functioning in his job”. Moreover, with his numerous trips to his Mar-a-Lago resort to play golf, which is now at 91 since the inauguration, it was contemplated that the job was too tough for him, which, during the election, he claimed was Hillary’s biggest problem.

As of recent, in an immigration meeting he was found to have said that he would much rather prefer good people from Norway than immigrants from “shit-hole countries” such as Africa and Haiti. At this point whatever he says is no longer a surprise to anyone, at least he’s living his truth so that no one can use it against him. Nevertheless, holding the highest office in government should surely come with more composure and decency, right? With still 3 years left in his Presidency we’re all waiting to see how his story unfolds, like if he’ll ‘build a wall’ and make Mexico pay for it like he promised, or if the Russia scandal will ever go away, but most importantly, and if and when he’ll actually start Making America Great Again.

At this point in 2018, Trump doesn’t seem to be slowing down or stopping any of his shenanigans which help fill up the daily news cycle. In the words of our dear Theresa May, now would be a good time to ask the question, is Trump ‘strong and stable’?


Jireh is a Microbiology and Molecular Biology graduate from the Manchester Metropolitan University. He has a passion for different sports, scientific discovery and trainer brands.

Twitter: @Ray_G95

All Star Break 2018

By Jireh Antwi.

The Annual NBA All-Star games is being held at the L.A Staples Centre next month, the city of the historic 16x NBA Champions, the Los Angeles Lakers.

Los Angeles All-Star games 2018

This year, the All-Star weekend break will be different than previous years. Traditionally, All-stars from the East play against the All-Stars of the West and it’s been like that for a very long time. However, the reason for change is due to this format of the games producing boring and stale performances, as players made little attempt or effort to defend and the scoring line was ridiculous. The All-Star game is meant to be a showcase of the best players, but it has been getting out of hand as players were worried about not injuring themselves for their respective teams.

Even more problematic is that with the growing dominance of the stacked Western conference, it always felt like a sure win for them effectively making the final match not worth watching. To prove this, the historic MVP of last season, Russell Westbrook, hasn’t managed to get a starting role in this All-Stars, yet he plays in the Western Conference.

Luckily, with the help of Chris Paul, the President of the players association, a change was decided to even out the voting system, effectively reducing the fan vote to 50 percent and allowing a player vote and media vote of 25% each respectively. So, here’s how the new format works:

  • There are 2 captains from the Eastern and Western Conference and 5 starters from each conference that are pooled together.
  • The Captains can pick their players choosing first from the collective starters which finally ditches the East and West format.

This is the first time that players from different conferences will have the chance to play together and then from the reserves which will be announced today, 23rd of January, by the head coaches and the full team roster on Thursday the 25th. Hopefully this new format will allow the games to be more competitive with both teams actually trying to win.

NBA All-Star Starters from the Western and Eastern Conference

From the West, we have: The Golden State Warriors ‘baby faced assassin’ Stephen Curry who is the Captain for the Western Conference; the ‘Slim reaper’ Kevin Durant; New Orleans Pelicans big men Anthony Davies and DeMarcus ‘Boogie’ Cousins; and MVP contender Houston Rockets guard James Harden.

And the East’s starters being: King of the league and the Eastern Conference Captain, Lebron James for the Cleveland Cavaliers; Boston Celtics point guard Kyrie Irving; the Toronto Raptors shooting guard and all-time leading scorer DeMar DeRozan; Philadelphia 76er’s Joel Embiid; and the Milwaukee Bucks Giannis Antetokounmpo.

Steph v Lebron: The Stats

  • Steph and Lebron are the captains this year because they led the votes overall respectively.
  • James will select before Curry as he has more votes overall: 2,638,294 compared to 2,379,494
  • This is Lebron’s 14th All-Star appearance tying Michael Jordan’s record and Curry’s 5th time appearance, the first Golden state warrior player to have 5 consecutive All-Star appearances.
  • James is averaging 27.7 points 8.8 assists, 8 rebounds, 1.7 steals so far, even though his Cavaliers are in a mid-season slump.
  • Curry is averaging 27.6 points and 6.5 assists and is leading his team to be the best record in the NBA.

The NBA All-Star Captains

Who Will They Choose?

It will be interesting to see who Lebron picks first. It would be a good chance for him to pick Anthony Davis or DeMarcus Cousins as that could be a possible line up for him in the coming future. Or will he be picking the man he allegedly asked to be traded in, Kyrie Irving, knowing that they work well together? Either way, it should be an interesting draft that’s sure to create some headlines. Curry joked that he would pick all guards and make his team the shortest possible, and that another player he would like to draft is Giannis Antetokounmpo since he dunked on him last year so that it won’t happen again. Giannis is averaging 28.2 points, 10.1 rebounds and 4.6 assists so far, he was also voted as the number 1 option by the players over Lebron James.

Joel Embiid against the Utah Jazz putting on a show

Embiid is the first sixer to play in an All-Star game since the legendary Allen Iverson in 2006, although, in the voting system it appears players liked the New York Knicks’ star player Kristaps Porziņģis more than Joel. This could be due to Embiid’s antics on the court rubbing the players the wrong way in a similar way to Draymond Green who’s known for constant trash talking. Or, it could simply be due to the fact that Embiid hasn’t played that regularly.

Unfortunately, the draft won’t be televised which is a real shame as it would have been fun to see the dynamics of the player interaction and who would be picked last. Nonetheless, these All-Star games are sure to be a good one.


Jireh is a Microbiology and Molecular Biology graduate from the Manchester Metropolitan University. He has a passion for various sports, scientific discovery and trainer brands.

Twitter: @Ray_G95

Czech Presidential Election Offers Hope for Liberals

The Czech Republic appears to be the latest battleground between forces of nationalism and internationalism.

The current Czech president, Miloš Zeman, is facing the toughest of battles to retain his position ahead of the second round of the country’s presidential election taking place on 26-27 January. Zeman, a former Social Democrat with increasingly right-wing views, had been hoping for 50% of the vote in order to win outright in the first round which took place last week.

However, in an unexpectedly poor showing, he received only 39% of the vote, forcing a second-round run-off against liberal academic Jiři Drahoš, who won 27%. While this may still appear to be a comfortable lead, the next four most popular candidates after Zeman and Drahoš all pledged their support for Drahoš, and have offered their campaign resources to support him ahead of the second round. Indeed, head-to-head polling suggests Drahoš holds a slender lead over his rival, meaning he will fancy his chances of pulling off what at the start of the campaign would have been considered as an upset.


New divisions dictate the campaign

Zeman vs. Drahoš constitutes the latest variation on a theme, following Leave vs. Remain, Trump vs. Clinton and Le Pen vs. Macron. Throughout Europe and North America, political competition is coming to be defined more by whether the country in question should promote liberal, internationalist policies, or strongly maintain national borders and reinforce the identities that go with it.

As a result, debates around immigration and international integration (in Europe’s case this is dominated by the EU) are overtaking issues such as the economy as being the most important and divisive during elections campaigns. The two Czech candidates sum up this growing divide perfectly: Zeman often rails against the dangers of Islam, however moderate, and has suggested a Brexit-style EU referendum, while Drahoš has expressed desires to improve relations with the EU.

The President’s ‘Zeman Znovu’ (Zeman Again) campaign has struggled to capture voters’ imaginations (Source: Blesk)

Symbolic role, but strong implications

It is important to remember that the position of president in the Czech Republic is a largely symbolic one, with most political power being held by the Prime Minister, their cabinet and Parliament as a whole. However, the role – and by extension, the current battle to fill it – are so significant largely because of their effects on the dominant political discourse in the country. As head of state, the president is afforded a unique platform from which to put forward, and consequently spread, their own views. Zeman has used this position to his advantage, using his rhetoric on nationalism and multiculturalism to legitimise his own extreme views. When Czech voters are given the opportunity next week, rejecting a President embracing politics which at best verge on the far right would send a strong message of openness both domestically and internationally.

Challenger Jiři Drahoš may be the person to change the aggressive rhetoric used by Zeman (Source: Reflex)

However, this election may indirectly have strong policy implications as well. Among the powers of the Czech president is the ability to invite parties to form a government. This is particularly relevant at present, as Prime Minister Andrej Babiš – a strong ally of Zeman and fellow Eurosceptic – is currently facing allegations of corruption, causing his government to lose a vote of confidence. Babiš’ survival may be dependent on a Zeman victory, as Drahoš has suggested he would prevent him from returning to power as a result of these allegations, potentially paving the way for more liberal, pro-EU parties to take power. In the battle for a so-called ‘ceremonial’ position then, there still appears to be much at stake.