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Incriminated for Tweeting: Trump’s Visa Policy

by Hajra Tahir

Since rising to power, Trump’s administration has been said to propagate a status-driven, incursive and generally mislead foreign policy.

From his vernacular, to ‘Lou Dobbs’ inspired trade war with China, to the most recent amendments to the visa policy – the United States is recoiling from its central position as a world power with multiple global connections and is adopting an increasingly isolationist position. 

An in depth exploration of  Trump’s ‘America First’ policies and isolationism.

These new changes to the visa application will affect 15 million applicants, 900,000 of which are estimated to be applicants from the Indian subcontinent. The applicants will be required to hand over their usernames for a myriad of different social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube and Weibo to peruse 5 years’ worth of digital history, in order to comb out suspicious activity with the aim of protecting American civilians from potential terrorist threats. These measures will be implemented for visas of all kind, including tourist visas. The implications of the redacted policy are as follows. 

Effects on Tourism 

The United States’ tourism industry is predicted to absorb the bulk of the damage. In previous years having generated $1.6 trillion worth of income, the tourist industry can be considered an integral component of the US’ services exports. Accounting for 32% of revenue in this category. Since Trump’s inauguration however, the number of international visitors to the United States has dropped by 700,000 in the first quarter of 2017. The largest reductions in foreign travellers are from the Middle East and Africa. The radical Republican election manifesto can be thought to contribute towards this phenomenon, which has now been dubbed the ‘Trump Slump’.

An in depth deconstruction of the financial loss incurred by stagnant tourism numbers in Los Angeles.

However, the flat performance of inbound tourism can be attributed to much more than Trump’s somewhat tyrannical persona. China’s Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued anotherformal warning on 4thJune 2019 about the dangers of travelling to the US. The Public service announcement warned of: 
“visa restrictions, prolonged review times, shortened time validity and a rising rate of visa rejections” as well as issuing statements such as the following – “Public Security in the United States is not good. Cases of shooting robbery and theft are frequent.” 

Although, it can be easily deduced that such political statements have been issued deliberately to curb the profitability of tourism in the US, in light of strained China- US economic relations – the specific impact of the growing restraints on visa applicants has cultivated the animosity between the two superpowers. This is evidenced by the fact that Chinese tourism to the US has reached the lowest it has ever been in the last 15 years.

another summary on the impact of earlier public statements issued by the Chinese Foreign Ministry and its influence on tourism numbers.

Conversely it can be seen that countries formerly renowned to possess a comparatively more fragile tourism sector, such as Pakistan are advancing their efforts to create a greater incentive for international travellers by extending American visas to 5 years; despite facing a recent curtailment of 5 years to 1 for US visas. This illustrates the US’ shrinking global influence and exhibits the retrospective nature of its foreign involvement and policies – as touched upon earlier. 


The second prong of discussion revolves around the extent to which these recent measures inhibit the likelihood of terrorist activity in the US. How effective the new visa policy is in deterring external threats is central to the discussion regarding its validity as a piece of legislation and the existence of furtive motives and agendas. Overall the measure can be seen to be somewhat ineffective. 

This is because of the very nature of the digital space – things are easily erased. Tweets can be deleted, posts can be un-liked, and if there is no one to hold you to account, files are not easily retrievable. In a world of complex cyber technology, encrypting messages and communicating through a secure connection is neither difficult, nor uncommon. What is more, it becomes increasingly likely that applicants, upon being made aware of these new measures, will become more vigilant when posting on social media – subverting the very purpose of the amendment to the procedure.

The very notion that terrorist threats and activity can be caught by analysing social media platforms, can be thought to be somewhat unpragmatic. This is further bolstered when considering the root of the most recent terrorist incidents in the United States. 

39,773 people were killed in the US in 2018 as a result of gun violence. It can be deduced that such incidents constitute a major threat to the security of American civilians as oppose to external forms of terrorism and should thus be given precedence when addressing the safety of the state. Yet, this ‘foreigner focussed’ visa policy can be seen to undermine itself by diverting protectionist measures away from internal volatility present within the state and focussing on a more innocuous ‘threat.’ 

Freedom of Speech 

The last of the threefold impact of Trump’s visa policy beckons the question of: how far the amendment to visa protocol infringes upon human rights and freedom of speech? Is it possible to incriminate yourself by posting a political opinion on social media? Has terrorism become synonymous with having controversial views that don’t conform with that of the state’s?

The direction in which Trump’s foreign policy is going, seems to imply as such. Having discussed the drawbacks and supposed advantages of the policy, it is difficult to identify how effective it will be in ensuring the security of the state and whether it is anything more than a method to legitimise fear mongering and curtail autonomy. 

Hajra is in the first year of her undergraduate Law with Politics degree at the University of Manchester. With an interest in international relations, literature and travelling she aims to hopefully supplement her future career as a city lawyer with pro-bono work and an involvement in civil and human rights.

GRENFELL- 2 Years On And Still No Accountability

Two years ago, on 14th June 2017 just before 1 am, a fire started in the Grenfell Tower in North Kensington. The fire wasn’t declared extinguished until the 16th June where the official death toll had reached 72. Survivors claim that there are still more people unaccounted for. We all remember the terrible scenes that unfolded as firefighters tried to tackle the blaze.

We also had questions. How could this happen? Who was responsible? Can we prevent this from happening again?

Firefighters spraying water after the fire engulfed Grenfell Tower ( PA )

As the days went on more information was released; including the fact that Grenfell was clad in a material that exacerbated the fire; that residents’ groups had raised concerns about the building’s safety prior to the fire but were unable to convince the management to look into them; and that other towers around the UK were clad in the same dangerous material.

The residents were angry, frustrated and scared. Now, two years later, they still have questions. There are some who have yet to be rehomed, the inquiry has dragged on with few answers and, worst of all, no-one has been brought to account. The action group, Grenfell United, listed five simple demands for the government: justice for those who lost their lives, ensuring safe homes for everyone, a change in culture towards those in social housing, improve the wellbeing of residents, to create a memorial for those who died.

None of these demands have been met.

Meanwhile, in cities across the UK, other tenants are locked in an ongoing legal battle over who is responsible for the dangerous cladding that was found on their residential buildings. In Manchester a number of towers were found to use aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding – the same material used on Grenfell Tower.

And worst of all, residents are being asked to foot the bill for the replacement works. I spoke to Fran, a representative from Manchester Cladiators – the residents group created to battle these bills. She described the horror of residents who discovered they had bought homes in a building which wasn’t safe.

“The government instructed the British Research Establishment (BRE) to test the cladding that was used on Grenfell,” she said. “They then found the same material had been used across the UK, including on our homes in Manchester.”

Final death toll: Just some of the victims who were killed in the Grenfell Tower blaze

As if this discovery wasn’t bad enough, the building’s management company then called a meeting where they told residents that the freeholder would be taking them to a tribunal, to force them to pay for the cladding removal and replacement. The bills were huge – £10,000 per person – which the freeholder said fell within the remit of the tenant’s service charge.

Feeling like they were being used, the residents attended the tribunal – which was held on the first anniversary of the Grenfell Fire.

“We are in contact with Grenfell United and supporting each other. The tribunal was very stressful and emotional, because the media was full of scenes commemorating Grenfell. Meanwhile we were trying to make our building safe, said Fran.

The government’s reaction left residents frustrated and angry. Their local MPs would dismiss concerns and James Brokenshire (Secretary of State for Housing) delayed meeting with them for months. Eventually, they were able to persuade Manchester Council to set up a meeting between the groups and it was agreed that residents in some buildings would not have to pay for the necessary work. The developer was also instructed to pay any costs the residents had incurred to date – including legal fees.

But victory for some does not mean victory for all. Other buildings in Manchester are still battling against the bills. Skyline Central in Manchester’s Northern Quarter recently received an updated bill for £2.2million. Their building contains HPL (high pressure laminate) cladding, which is currently being investigated as having the potential to be as deadly as the Grenfell Fire.

Residents in Skyline Central are facing bills of approximately £25,000 each. Meanwhile, the social housing tenants who survived Grenfell are still being stuck in temporary accommodation. The government is digging its heels in and gambling with people’s lives.

Cladding being removed from a high-rise after post-Grenfell testing (Image: PA)

Multimillion pound building and development companies with huge turnovers are skipping out on these bills and leaving residents to foot the extortionate bills. New housing is being built without a real picture of the scale of these building regulation failures. The government needs to crack down or to create a ring fenced fund for replacing cladding and dangerous building structures on both new and existing buildings.

Today, Grenfell United protested against the government’s lack of action in regards to survivors, building safety and housing regulation by projecting messages on buildings it says are dangerous. Buildings in Salford, Newcastle and London were displayed with messages highlighting the lack of sprinklers, dangerous cladding and fire doors that are unfit for purpose.

It seems that the development companies know that there is little government oversight. It was only through tireless campaigning and the intervention of Manchester City Council that residents in the Green Quarter achieved justice. Sadly for the residents of Grenfell, justice still seems a long way off.

25 or Under! Leonardo DiCaprio’s Strict Age Limit

Titanic, Romeo and Juliet, The Beach – these films all have one thing in common… Leonardo DiCaprio and his heart-warming smile, never-ending charm and swoon-worthy looks caught on camera. There is no denying that our Leo is a very attractive man, as well as an extremely talented actor with an impressive and impossibly long repertoire. He finally won an Oscar in 2016 (hooray!) which was, by general consensus, long overdue. What’s more, he is one of the few Hollywood stars that has actively and continuously campaigned for climate change action. By many measures, Leonardo DiCaprio is the perfect man.  

It is no surprise that the worldwide heartthrob has had a string of beautiful girlfriends, many of whom boast model credentials. Take Gisele Bundchen, for example. A superstar in equal measure to Leo, the pair embarked on well-documented youth fuelled romance.  After it ended, Leo grew older and his succeeding girlfriends, well, didn’t. This graph, released on Reddit, tells it all:

The bar graph posted on Reddit (Source: u/TrustLittleBrother)

Undertaking the opposite policy to all good drinking establishments, 44 year old DiCaprio operates on a ‘no entry’ (into a relationship) policy for anyone who looks over the age of 25. As the renowned actor grows older, his girlfriends stay the same age.

This was evidenced at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. DiCaprio attends the event every year, sporting a black baseball cap and questionable facial hair. He was pictured snapping photos of current girlfriend Camila Morrone, who is 21. The Daily Mail quipped that Dicaprio proved he was the “ultimate Instagram boyfriend” as Morrone posed in a delightful polka dot dress. While their relationship is common knowledge, DiCaprio and Morrone do not attend any public press events together nor do they discuss their relationships in public. This has been the case for all of DiCaprio’s previous girlfriends as well.

Leo and Camila (Source: Daily Mail)

Nancy Jo Sales describes DiCaprio’s ‘Pussy Posse’, writing “the group’s core members constitute a frat house of young men” who attend the hottest clubs and parties wing-manning DiCaprio. Allie Jones writes that “when he’s single, Leo goes to Cannes to meet new models. When he’s in a relationship, he brings whichever model he is dating, and also meets new models”. DiCaprio’s penchant for young women cannot be dismissed as coincidence, but rather purposeful trophy hunting. While it is wrong to criticise relationships simply for the existence of an age gap, can deliberately seeking out models over twenty years one’s junior be seen as acceptable behaviour? Combined with the supposed girlfriend ban on discussing a relationship with Leo, it all seems to come across a little creepy.

The Pussy Posse (Source: Esquire)

DiCaprio is not the first superstar to take advantage of his Hollywood status to pursue younger women. Tyga and Kylie Jenner became associated with each other when Kylie was just 16. Musician Moby has recently come under fire after suggesting that he dated Natalie Portman while she was at university in New York. Portman told Harper’s Bazaar that “I was surprised to hear that he characterised the very short time that I knew him as dating because my recollection is a much older man being creepy with me when I just had graduated high school.” Despite the #metoo movement, Moby initially refuted Portman’s recollection, before admitting how flawed his argument was over Instagram:

It is patronising to suggest that the models DiCaprio dates are unaware of his age, status and relationship history. Yes, they are all under 25, but they are also all consenting adults with successful careers in their own rights. However, it is surprising that there has not been a more public backlash towards Leo’s love-life tendencies. He has faced nowhere near the amount of criticism that Madonna, Britney Spears or Mariah Carey received for dating younger men.

While women are smack-handed the predatory term ‘cougar’, Leo’s secretive relationships reserved for models go uncommented on, illustrating the ongoing disparity in society’s attitudes to men and women’s sex lives. DiCaprio’s behaviour might not be categorically unethical, but it is certainly questionable in the precedent it sets for what traits should be valued in a partner.  Perhaps Leo deserves more flack, (and that is coming from a girl who once changed her surname on Facebook to DiCaprio).

Hunting for Abortions to be Sooner: Jeremy Hunt’s 12-week Abortion Plan


Conservative Party Leader hopeful, Jeremy Hunt, wants to reduce abortion time from 24 weeks to 12 weeks.

Hunt has spoken openly (on a podcast this Sunday) about wanting for the legal limit for women to choose to have an abortion to go from 24 weeks to 12 weeks.

This comes at a time where the Alabama Abortion Laws caused worldwide outrage. It comes where women feel their bodies are being controlled more than ever.

He said he will not change the law if he became Prime Minister. “No government I lead will ever seek to change the law on abortion.”

The former Health Secretary from 2012 to 2018 has since been branded a misogynist. He has also been highlighted for his hypocrisy by Labour MP Jess Phillips:

“Did this one say he was a feminist, it’s hard to keep up with those on drugs and who pretends to care about women. Jeremy Hunt how about we base this on evidence and science and keep what you think is best based on no experience out of this.”

These figures are based on the Abortion Act 1967, declaring nine million lives have been lost to abortion.

Interestingly, there are small sections of the internet that agree with Hunt’s views calling abortions “Infanticide and Gendercide.”

Northern Ireland allows abortion in cases of physical or mental health risks. Poland currently permits terminations when the life of the foetus is under threat, when there is a grave threat to the health of the mother, or if the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest. In Malta and Andorra, abortions are prohibited in all circumstances, whereas in Cyprus women can have an abortion up to 28 weeks into a pregnancy.

Interestingly nearly every EU country has 12-week limits on abortion, so what is Hunt saying that’s different?

This abortion conversation in the wake of the Alabama Abortion Law is exacerbating the divide between political parties and genders. The world is becoming more and more segmented by political tribes.

Reproductive freedom is still on the agenda after Alabama and Northern Ireland (where abortion is still illegal).

Hunt stood true to his word, irrespective of those who agree with him or disagree, he is entitled to an opinion. An opinion is an opinion, unless it becomes law then it becomes a matter of understandable concern.

Hunt is a man and has no idea what it is like for a woman to have an abortion, does this mean he should have no say on the matter? Like most men, he is being ushered into a veil of silence.

Should everyone have the right to air their opinions? With such contentious debates surrounding abortion it will bring about a lot of anger. In a world where women are continually being policed, and white men are continued to be regarded as the enemy. Perhaps its time we let women decide what to do with their bodies.

Kill Tory Scum: The New Form of Acceptable Violence From Left Wing Activists

The punk band ‘Killdren’ who have been calling for violence against the Conservative Party have been pulled from Glastonbury Music Festival.

In the below music video “Kill Tory Scum (before they kill you)”, they call out the murder of the Conservative members of parliament and those who adhere to conservative values.

A message at the end of the song’s video makes it clear, however, that Killdren “do not condone the killing of MPs or voters”.

Killdren have complained saying they are being victimised and mischaracterized by “the right-wing press”. Arguing that a conservative government has hurt significant portions of society; in particular those at the lower end of the socioeconomic ladder.

Under the Tory government, nearly 4 million people have had to use food banks due to the austerity measures. MP’s were allowed a 10% pay rise, whilst the NHS wages were capped at 1%.

Twitter User said: Singing a song about killing politicians is more offensive than the estimated 130,000 people who have died in the last 9 years as a result of austerity”.

Alongside the wage cap, the Grenfell fire which caused 72 deaths has caused people to feel anger towards the government. The lack of responsibility or charges in the investigation has lead to a culture of distrust. However, calling for violence does nothing to alleviate the pain caused by one party. Violence to one cannot bring back those lost, or hurt in a politics of revenge.

Music is a powerful medium and Killdren are using an important medium to reiterate the killing of “Tory Scum”. So why is music and its effects continually denied?

Musics Effects On The Brain

Music has a peculiar and particular effect on humans, causing us to dance, and nod our heads. The brain is a creature of volume and repetition and it is easy to influence the human brain. Hence why it is easier to listen to music which is a subtle form of programming, helping to shape your reality, whilst also leaking into the conscious and subconscious mind.

Music can take us to happy, sad, and angry places. It can inspire, demotivate, motivate and encourage particular motives or experiences based on our understanding of the lyrics.

Music triggers human reward systems in the human brain. Whilst not everyone experiences intense emotional responses to music it affects all humans in a myriad of ways.

It can really inspire and incentivise humans to perform actions in accordance with what they listen to. Therefore in accordance with the music by Killdren, if I am vehemently opposed to The Conservative Party, a song telling me to “Kill Tory Scum”, it will release more dopamine, furthering my continuing hate for the Tories. Rewarding me for listening to music calling for violence against the party.

If you are what you eat, then are you not what you consume through your ears?

Consuming music that encourages violence, murder, highlights the sinister side of humans. We should not encourage it.

Murder is not okay, not on any side of the political spectrum, white, black, male or female.

Music Can and Does Incite Violence

There’s only one category of music that comes to mind when we talk of violence upon other human bodies: drill music.

Drill music, a black category of music that has been defended as being an ethnic art form, openly calls for violence against other young males.

Image result for tion wayne keisha becky remix lyrics
Russ (far left), Aith (middle), far right (Tion Wayne)

“Everyday I give thanks for the blessing, but I repent for numerous cheffings. If you saw the way that I kweffed him, man I weren’t shocked that his bredrin left him.”

In Tion Wayne’s verse he openly spoke of asking for forgiveness for stabbing other young men, and how his friend left him after he stabbed another young man.

LONDON’S knife epidemic is out of control with more than 27 deaths since the start of 2019. Drill music plays a heavy part in knife crime. As the genre speaks of gang wars, murder, robbery and many other deplorable acts.

Violence is violence and its a disease we must rid ourselves in a supposed civilized society. Killdren alongside the drill genre should be no-platformed, calling for violence is actually oppressive and it has no place in a democratic world.

Whilst Conservatives have hurt many people through their policies, we cannot become evil to fight the very evil we are opposed to.

The Empowering Women Supporting Other Women

Women Empowerment platforms are thriving, meet the woman behind one of them to find out why.

In a time where feminism is widely accepted, more women are coming together and building each other through this powerful movement which represents choice, freedom and simply, humanity. 

I spoke to a woman, a mother and an entrepreneur who set up a female empowerment movement on platform on Instagram to encourage other women to set up businesses and stray away from societal expectations. 

Nompumelelo Mahlangu, 36, from Leeds began this venture less than a year ago, after facing challenges in her personal life and unfulfilling career.

In 2015, her mother also received an MBE from the Queen for her services to children, in the UK around the world which she took as a sign it was not too late to change career. 

Nompumelelo said: “When you see your mum thriving and setting these goals, it makes you realise you have to step up.”

Despite having a job as a Project Manager within the public sector, which she was content with at the time, Nompu created the International Women’s Empowerment Forum as a project to work in part time but it has gradually turned into her full-time job. 

I asked her, what made you want to start an empowerment forum

“I think it’s important for women to have somewhere to go and feel like they can relate with other women. Men, from a young age, are pushed to have businesses, and to take risks whereas women are usually limited, they get told they should be mothers, wives and that becomes their whole life, but a lot of women don’t want to be just that anymore, they want more, I wanted more so I made something for like-minded women.

“Don’t get me wrong we have some men who work with us and they’re so supportive.”

How did people around you take this idea: 

“When I first thought of the idea, my former partner laughed at me and thought it was silly little project. I won’t lie and say this didn’t affect me because it did, I felt powerless and it came to a point where I just said to myself just do it – that’s how my platform was born.”

What have you learnt from your new business venture: 

“I’ve been able to make such amazing connections and friendships with people through the platform. I will be hosting my first big event in July with Naima Mora from America’s Next Top Model, this has so far been the biggest and scariest moment in my career because I’ve proven everyone who doubted me wrong.

“It also made me realise these a lot of things that happen behind the scenes when you run a business, you need an amazing support system behind you at all times but you have to remember to take a break and take care of yourself.”

What advice would you give your 25 year old self:

“Go for it, whatever you keep putting off, just go for it. There are a lot of options available and you don’t have to make everyone happy, they’ll come around and if they don’t that’s fine. 

Try different things, life doesn’t stop in your twenties grab life with both hands and don’t be scared!”

To find out more about IWEF visit: https://www.instagram.com/iwef_forum/

Give Us Democracy Or Give Us Death

A fog of collective amnesia has enveloped China for 30 years since the events of June 4TH 1989. Tiananmen Square symbolises the existence of some 1.4 Billion Chinese citizens today as they live under bureaucratic authoritarianism.

In the aftermath of the brutal suppression of student protesters, Chinese authorities stifled free expression, extending its oversight of civilians with various tactics to censor, arrest, detain and imprison anyone who spoke about “June Fourth”.

It remains the most taboo and politically sensitive topic in China, much like the Tibetan question or Xinjiang, largely because it questioned so overtly the authority and legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It’s so off-limits that even parents who lost their sons and daughters in 1989 can expect to be jailed for bringing it up.

When people think of Tiananmen Square in the West, they tend to envisage “tank man” halting the procession of tanks into the main square and an illegitimate regime that persecutes its own people. For Chinese, alternative narratives have been carefully cultivated to present “political turbulence” with images of a soldier being killed and burnt by protesters.

The Unknown Protester who stood in front of a column of tanks June 5TH 1989, the day after they had cleared Tiananmen Square

The Chinese government has tried its utmost to erase the memory from contemporary history. It has become a non-event for most young Chinese. But is it this simple?

Ahead of the 30th anniversary, international news outlets tried to tease out this censorship by approaching Chinese pedestrians with iconic photos of the protests. BBC, Deutsche Welle and others sent reporters to “test” the level of censorship.

Some ran away, some denied recognition and others did not know what they were being shown. The mainstream media then asserted China had “erased history”. The reality is far more complicated. In China, understanding is shaped by fear, opaqueness and collective wisdom. Failure to recognise the image does not necessarily mean none were aware of what happened.

Good quality journalism makes effort to contextualise questions and create safe spaces for people to speak. These reporters knew they wouldn’t get an answer, and their framing was structured to intentionally highlight that. This practice is not about Tiananmen, but conscious stylistic choice to frame ignorance.

ChinaFile became sceptical about the success of the censorship, creating an open call for personal accounts of “how you learned about Tiananmen.” They had many young Chinese tell them about their experience of cognitive dissonance and how collective memory whispered itself into awareness, despite a deafening silence.

Buoyant Chinese students protesting for more freedom, less corruption and democracy during the 6 week movement

While everything that should be said about Tiananmen already has, it may never be heard by the people who need to hear it most – namely, those living under CCP rule. The CCP has not been able to wipe the memories of millions, contrary to how western news outlets reported.

Chinese official narratives ignore the fact that every major Chinese city had protests, with more than a million calling for democratic reform, an end to government corruption and a better-functioning economy. This lasted for 6-weeks as part of a unified pro-democracy movement worldwide.

Medical Workers look on bodies of protesters from Tiananmen Square clashes

In its counter-narrative of “political turbulence”, the official Party line was a crackdown for a single-day-event known only as “June Fourth”. There was no “tank man” photo. In its stead, state media displayed the soldier who was killed and burned by “rioters”.

The end is nigh, tanks and armoured vehicles enter Tiananmen Square

The Chinese Spring

Before June Fourth, people were free to read, discuss ideas and interact with foreigners. Robert Daly, former US diplomat to China, said it was a “highly idealistic period as Chinese people got to follow the rest of the world and recover from the Maoist period.”

Post 1989 Crackdown

The Chinese government persecuted and suppressed anyone who stood in their way after June Fourth, entrenching their authority through an uneasy status quo of economic prosperity mired by fear.

Dual narratives: Chinese state circulated the young soldier beaten and burned to death instead of “Tank Man”

1994 saw the CCP role out “Patriotic Education”, culling collective memory, painting China a historically aggrieved nation still under siege from external foes, and the Party its heroic saviour and rightful guardian. A true Orwellian nightmare had begun, unbeknownst to its unsuspecting citizens, “patriotic education” was the Party’s solution to its crisis of legitimacy after the Mao-era disasters and the bloodshed of 1989.

University of Denver’s Zhao’s commentary on the patriotic education campaign, declared it a “very successful social and political engineering” that has repositioned the government as the defender of the Chinese nation. “In fact, nationalism is stronger than communism for the Chinese working class. It’s stronger than capitalism for the bankers. It’s so powerful a force in the 21st Century.” The anti-Japanese marches in 2012 in 80 cities throughout China are testimony of the CCP’s success to wipe a clean slate of their misgivings, by directing anger out of China, rather than within.

Beijing residents surround army trucks to prevent them reaching the students in Tiananmen Square – the focal point for the resistance

China today has all media under state control. There have been no real elections for 70 years. It is not in the interests of the communist party to reveal the truth. We should be under no illusions how close the protesters were to compromising Mao’s legacy. The nationwide support the movement garnered shook the CCP to its core. Moderate leaders like Zho Ziyang were ousted and intimidating the protesters by sending in the army and tanks was ineffective because the protesters offered the soldiers food, water and flowers. They tried to reason with them and in reciprocation, the soldiers were sympathetic to the protesters.

Government supporters try to drape Chairman Mao to protect him from further defacement

When all else failed, the CCP had to send in soldiers from faraway bases to “clear” the protesters. The protesters were, by and large, unarmed. The students wanted the government to tackle rampant corruption and deliver more political freedom. While western media presents the death toll to be in the thousands, the Chinese government said it was in the hundreds. The truth often is somewhere in between. Many more were persecuted, imprisoned and executed later. Lee Pen and Deng Xiaoping were ruthless. Human life did not have much intrinsic value in Chinese society after Chairman Mao’s leadership.

The fleeing tank man, later detained and executed by state police

In the aftermath, the blackout of media coverage in China and the disappearance of many protestors led to an unspoken and uneasy truce. Political and social rights were to remain diminished in exchange for economic growth to preserve the Chinese way of life against outside interests.

The CCP declared democratic elections and campaigning to be inefficient Western constructs that divert resources from developing the economy to bureaucracy. Their existence relies on this basic premise of developing the economy and share the success so people won’t ask for political reform. So far so good.

Cultural memory not wiped, but a people living in fear

Some Chinese were able to circumvent the Great Firewall with VPNs, others via private family stories or friends explaining why Weibo posts need “manual review”.

The government has scripted language about June Fourth, censored mentions in media and textbooks. It should not have been surprising that those Chinese pedestrians were worried they would face retribution after appearing on international TV. After all, Xiao Bin was sentenced to 10 years in a labour camp for telling ABC News, thousands had died June Fourth.

Regardless of the excuses made by western media that the pedestrians they interviewed would not be persecuted, how would we ever know? China is increasingly tightening its grip on all aspects of society. Regardless of pedestrian comment or silence, to appear in a foreign media interview about June Fourth may set them up for surveillance or harassment.

The biased reporting shows what was already presumed: censorship and surveillance are effective tools for authoritarian leaders, leading to eye-capturing headlines for their western audiences.

New generations of Chinese writers who ventured abroad have opened up on events like Xinjiang, Tibet, and June Fourth in a second language, bridging the gap between the different perspectives. Many are eager to move beyond simplistic and repetitive descriptions of Chinese authoritarianism.

The Goddess of Democracy in Tiananmen Square // Shelley Zang / The China Girls

They challenge the world to look deeper, ask uncomfortable questions and move forward.

The CCP’s Party-centric metaphysical view of reality: reality does not exist except in the collective and immortal mind of the Party such that mutability of the past leads to control of the present, could come straight from 1984.

What appears on the surface to be blind acceptance is actually rule by fear and coercion.

From the moment that first bullet was fired 30 years ago, the Chinese Communist Party’s regime’s legitimacy was compromised. Nothing can change that. Deploying violence to supplant dialogue, justifying the deaths of innocent civilians as collateral; no matter how expansive and encompassing the propaganda machine and infiltration, the people of China should take refuge in the knowledge that this too shall pass.

As Tolstoy noted, it takes only a single act of courage from one free thinking individual to create a ripple that becomes a tidal wave. The message of liberty carries universal appeal, and we should stand together against government attempts at oppression no matter where they happen to be. As the million civilians of Hong Kong are out in the streets protesting new Chinese extradition laws being pushed through, the world should not turn a blind eye to these small states, but stand resolute against tyranny and oppression in all its manifestations.

Gay Couple Brutally Attacked After Refusing to Kiss


A lesbian couple have been attacked travelling home on the bus in London in the early hours of Thursday 30th May in West Hamstead. The two women, who had been heading home towards Camden, were both left hospitalised by four male attackers. They had been travelling on the top deck of the N31 bus, and there had been no other passengers aside from the couple and the group of men.  Melania Geymonat and her girlfriend Chris were left covered in blood after refusing to kiss each other for the men’s entertainment.

Geymonat shared the details of the attack on her Facebook page, saying: “In an attempt to calm things down, I started making jokes. I thought this might make them go away. Chris even pretended she was sick, but they kept on harassing us, throwing us coins and becoming more enthusiastic about it.” This was a homophobic offence and was unprovoked by the couple. Geymonat, who is a flight attendant for Ryanair, described the assailants as “hooligans”. She has not been able to return to work since the attack, which occurred at 2:30am in the morning, and is still being treated for injuries sustained.

Geymonat, 28, who is from Uruguay, recalled that three of the men spoke with British accents while one spoke Spanish. She released this shocking picture on Facebook:

Melania and Chris on the night of the incident (Source: Melania Geymonat Facebook)

The air stewardess then went on to describe the attack further:

“The next thing I know is that Chris is in the middle of the bus fighting with them. On an impulse, I went over there only to find her face bleeding and three of them beating her up. The next thing I know is I’m being punched. I got dizzy at the sight of my blood and fell back. I don’t remember whether or not I lost consciousness. Suddenly the bus had stopped, the police were there and I was bleeding all over. Our stuff was stolen as well.”

Melania Geymonat ( Source: Daily Record)

June is the global Pride month, where members of the LGBTQI+ community celebrate their identity in public events which aim to include and educate. Pride in London will culminate this year on the 6th July with this year’s parade. The event last year drew over 1 million partakers and supporters. The attack calls into question how safe London really is for gay people in public spaces. The LGBT charity Stonewall reports that “More than a third of LGBT people (36 per cent) say they don’t feel comfortable walking down the street while holding their partner’s hand”. These findings are based on a YouGov poll of over 5000 LGBT people in Britain. Author Stella Duffy tweeted suggesting that the attack signals why we still require Pride in our seemingly modern and accepting Britain.

This attack is not only homophobic but misogynistic, showing the endemic oversexualisation of lesbians in our society which prohibits gay women from being able to pursue active, normal relationships in public. The term ‘Lesbophobia’ has commonly been used to describe the phenomenon of Western’s culture’s lack of acceptance when it comes to lesbian couples. Jane Czyzselska defined the term in 2013, writing “Lesbophobia is homophobia with a side-order of sexism. It’s homophobia directed particularly at lesbians. Underpinning it is the belief that women should look and behave in specific ways – keep rules that lesbians break simply by being.” 

The attack signifies that six years later in 2019, we are no closer to solving active discrimination against women simply for being in a relationship with each other. Under a patriarchal society, relationships which not only forgo heteronormative ideals, but exclude the necessity of a man to exist, are pushed out unless forced to become sexualised for the pleasure of men.

Sadiq Khan has stated that “This was a disgusting, misogynistic attack. Hate crimes against the LGBT+ community will not be tolerated in London”. The BBC reports that “Siwan Hayward, director of compliance, policing and on-street services at Transport for London, described the assault as ‘sickening’ and ‘utterly unacceptable’, adding that ‘homophobic behaviour and abuse is a hate crime and won’t be tolerated on our network’.” It is with hope that the perpetrators of this disgusting hate crime can be found.

Plus Size Mannequins in Department Stores a Big Hit?

Nike has now placed plus size mannequins in their stores in an attempt to reflect the diversity in body types in modern society.

These plus-size mannequins have also appeared in other major retailers such as Debenhams.

Finally paving the way for inclusivity, and celebrating a more realistic and attainable body type, this representation allows young girls and women to feel more at home whilst shopping.

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Plus size mannequins in Nike

Nike said in a press release:

“To celebrate the diversity and inclusivity of sport, the space will not just celebrate local elite and grassroots athletes through visual content, but also show Nike plus size and para-sport mannequins for the first time on a retail space.”

In a society deemed as “fatphobic”, one that promotes unrealistic body types, the plus size mannequins are aiming to bring about a change in how we view our world. The western world prioritises and exonerates ‘ultra-thinness’ as the ideal. We can now change from a skinny lens to a larger lense as we think more about the range of female body types.

In 2018 clothing brand Missguided also unveiled mannequins of different ethnicities as well as ones with stretch marks and vitiligo. Nike is not the first brand to use more realistic mannequins.

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Plus size Model Ashley Graham has paved the way for other plus sized models

The Social Justice Struggle

As millennials are uncovering social justice issues, Nike has proven itself to be an ethical, moral and empathetic company. The plus-sized mannequins are now becoming a long admirable list proving Nike’s contribution and commitment to the betterment of society.

From Colin Kaepernick protesting the American flag, in relation to the black lives lost, to Raheem Sterling and his racist encounters on and off the football pitch and the female struggles.

Nike remains a leading figurehead in the call for equality, however, this proliferation of the struggle comes at a cost. The cost being monetary gain to the capitalist companies. If the struggles were not profitable these companies would not bring it to their shops.

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Manchester City Footballer Raheem Sterling “Speaking up doesn’t always make life easier. But easy never changed anything.”

Issues surrounding body size have increasingly become higher in market value, and companies have latched onto what is currently making money.

The companies are bowing to consumer demands and social justice warriors who, at the swipe of their fingertips, are able to call out the illegitimacy of actions or lack there of, of these companies.

A Change in Tactic?

Once upon a time ago, companies did not speak outwardly about such issues, as it was not in their profit model. Now it has become a part of the profit model.

What has changed? The economic totem pole has swung in favour of those who call out social justice issues.

Monetizing social justice movements has proven to be an incredibly lucrative market. Even Caster Semenya has joined the new roster of athletes working with companies on socio-political hot topics.


Apathetic Companies Are Better

The Resistance of body shapes has been consequently transformed into another predictable and banal consumable, producing hypercommodified, augmented meanings far divorced from the original dissent. Said meanings are projected onto products and transformed into a fashion.

Once transformed into fashion, the political strength and social movements illustrate how late capitalism has rendered it meaningless through the ever-present commodification.

It is through this that Bell Hooks, argues that commodification depoliticizes and strips the political integrity and meaning, making it no longer possible to serve as a catalyst for concrete political action, as typical consumers may ignore political messages, said messages are reduced to catchy self-help slogans. This serves to continue the addictive illusion of a resistance that is proposed successful, all while the hegemonic control continues unabated.

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Bell Hooks, feminist thought leader, feminist icon and black activis

Companies that remain out of the realm of social justice issues perhaps are positive, as they remain true to the profit model. As opposed to companies who genuinely do not hold the truest sentiments of social justice movements.

Grass root movements such as the celebration of women’s differing body shapes must remain a grass root movement and not be swallowed up by the juggernaut machines who then (through the mainstream) control all narratives.

Business is business, perhaps businesses are moving into a more ethical and moral wave, let us see when the social justice issues no longer make a profit will they drop it as quickly as they picked it up?


A man setting himself on fire in the streets of Tunisia ignited the spark of rebellion against oppressive regimes. Since then, protests against repressive and exploitative governments across the Arab world have continued to pull the attention from across the globe. Time and time again we are learning that citizens of the Arab world are not passive victims but active agents of their own emancipation.

Sudan is no different.

Our screens over the past couple weeks have been flooded with news and information about the current situation of Sudan.

What Happened?

Omar Al-Bashir, the dictator of Sudan since 1989 was finally overthrown after many economic hardships particularly during the last few years. Since December, the government has made many cuts to bread and fuel, allegedly stopped people from withdrawing money from their accounts and have been hiking up the price of food and other goods. Bread, to name one commodity, is now three times the price it was last year.

Following closely to the stepping down of Al-Bashir, people rejoiced at what seemed to be the start of something new. Feelings of freedom from a repressive regime encouraged singing amongst the masses and brought life to art expressing feelings of relief. The citizens of Sudan since then have been creating manifestos on women’s rights, media freedom and most importantly justice on a social and political level for all.

Sudan’s President was overthrown by the military council which promised to, gradually in two to three years, transition from the dictatorial state to a democracy whilst a new leader was being elected, thereby letting the country slowly come under civilian rule. This would allow time to disentangle the old government and the political network.

Broken Promises

However, after Bashir stepped down, then re-emerged the old politics of Sudan. It’s parties and personalities that were once oppressed under the dictatorship came back, wanting to be represented in the new nation.

Soon after these promises by the transitional government, the three-year agreement was scrapped and now new elections are due in 9 months. A former British ambassador suggests this election will pave way for old regime to be largely reintroduced as there hasn’t been enough time to properly introduce new ideologies into the government

This lead to peaceful revolutionary protests commencing around the capital.

And everything WAS peaceful. Until the 3rd of June.

What’s Going on Now?

RSF militia ‘janaweed’ (the military security forces) violently began attacking and shooting peaceful demonstrators outside their headquarters during the holy month of Ramadan.

Amnesty International has also enclosed that they have disturbing evidence and satellite imagery showing Sudanese government forces including the RSF and allied militias committing war crimes and violating the laws of International Human Rights. In the past two weeks the death toll has risen to more than 100 people with 650+ injured and several reported rapes.

In the attempt to conceal many deaths more than 40 bodies have been found in the Nile river and the government has admitted to at least 60 of the murders. In addition to this, 45 villages have already been partially destroyed

It has been a horrifying massacre to witness. And nobody knows when this will end.


The Problem

Putting aside the physical violation and merciless genocides is the fact that the citizens have been let down once again. Revolutionaries have been traumatised and many of them are now hiding out in order to be out of the path of the wrath of corrupt officials. Individualistically minded, the military elite’s priorities will always lie with power and privilege and because of this there is a deep sense of alienation from rulers.

And what is left is betrayal and blood.

Moreover, the Sudanese ‘government’ is still attempting to block out the internet and censor the media so that we can’t figure out all of what is going on.

But we know. And we need to show them that we know

What are we doing?

As of now many nations are doing nothing. This is very upsetting considering that Sudan was the first and only country to allow Syrian refugees in without the need of paperwork and treated them as part of the society. We have not, as of yet, seen any Arab state provide much support, although on the 14th of this month, Arab leaders have been seeking a diplomatic solution to the political crisis.

The African Union understandably has suspended Sudan’s membership with immediate effect but we still wait for them to intervene in some way to help the innocent and help stop these atrocities.

However, in order to raise awareness, we have been painting the internet blue.

Why are people turning their profile pictures blue?

Across all social media feeds such as Twitter and Instagram people have been turning their screens blue. This is in order to raise awareness about the crisis in Sudan and to show that we are listening and that we care.

We want the governments around the world to put as much energy into this as they did for “that empty building in France” (referral to the $1 billion governments raised for Notre Dame, which was damaged by fire a couple months back).

The blue is because Mohammed Hashim Mattar, a peaceful revolutionary was gunned down by the military last week. His favourite colour was indigo blue and ever since then it has become an emblem of pro-democracy.

There have also been many appeals to give money to the cause. Giving money to UNICEF, or save the children, contact local congresses and MPs. Signing petitions on Facebook campaign groups or change.org.

Change will not happen if we are not all active in this cause. We have proven that when we come together we can pull the attention of the world and inspire change

Because repression isn’t indefinite. And this isn’t the end of a revolution.

This is the beginning of an uprising.

French Open: Women’s Singles Wide Open as Big Names Miss Out

As the competition heads in to the Quarter-finals, two of the biggest names in women’s tennis are nowhere to be seen. Johanna Konta meanwhile, has made the last 8 for the first time in her career.

With clay not being the favoured surface of many players, the French Open always has the potential to throw up a few surprises. Even the so-called ‘king of clay’ Rafael Nadal was famously dumped out of the tournament in 2009 to Robin Soderling. In this year’s women’s competition, both Serena Williams and current World No.1 Naomi Osaka exited the before the last 16. Without the top seed Osaka, could this be a chance for an unlikely hero to step forward?

Halep the favourite

While any of the remaining 8 women could stake their claim at Roland-Garros, it is difficult to look past the Romanian Simona Halep. She is attempting to win only her second Grand Slam, however her last win was this very competition a year ago. She is also the highest seed left at number 3 and has, on paper at least, the easiest draw in the Quarter-finals. Her opponent Amanda Anisimova is just 17 years of age, but has been one of the stars of the tournament. She will be looking to replicate Boris Becker’s infamous Wimbledon triumph at the same age.

The 17-year-old standing in Halep’s way Source: Jimme48/WTA Tennis

In context you would think that Halep will just have too much for her, but Anisimova’s straight set dismantling of Aliona Bolsova in the previous round gives Halep food for thought. This match is one not to be missed, between the returning champion and relative rookie looking forward to her first Quarter-final.

The case for Konta

British hopeful Johanna Konta will also be making her first Quarter-final appearance at Roland-Garros and was in a bullish mood yesterday. When asked whether she thought every competitor was beatable, she replied by saying “that’s been the growing mood for some time now”. Konta will certainly hope so, as she faces a tough test against last year’s runner-up Sloane Stephens.

A jubilant Konta into her first Paris Quarter-final
Source: Getty Images

Both players are more than capable on their day, but the American Stephens is the favourite here, especially coming off the back of a hugely impressive victory over Garbine Muguruza. If Konta plays to her full potential, she is certainly in with a chance of making just her third ever Grand Slam Semi-final. One always feels though that the main obstacle with Konta is a mental one. We’ve seen her form go up and down so much over the last couple of years. Which Jo Konta will show up on Tuesday?

Americans on the Rise

It sounds ridiculous to even suggest it with Serena’s dominance over the last 10 plus years, but American tennis at the highest level has hardly been in rude health during this period. If you think back through the decades there are American players like Evert, McEnroe, Jean King, Sampras, Seles and Roddick across the women’s and men’s game. Until the recent emergence of Naomi Osaka however, who else has really been challenging bar Serena for the last decade? Yet this year at Roland-Garros, with both Williams and Osaka crashing out early, this has curiously helped show how this trend is changing

Keys and Stephens after the US Open final in 2017. They also met in an ‘all American French Open Semi-final in 2018.
Source: EssentiallySports

All the way back in 2014 The Washington Post published an article titled ‘Next generation of American women’s tennis ready for take off’. In it they focused on seven under 25-year-olds who had made their way into the WTA top 100. Two of those mentioned: Madison Keys and Sloane Stephens are now vying to make the French Open Semi-final, along with the 17-year-old Anisimova. Add World No.1 Osaka back into that mix and that’s a formidable set of Americans making a name for themselves in women’s tennis. If the men’s game follows suit, could we be in for a new generation of overall dominance from across the pond?

Climate change: A step in the right direction as Britain goes without coal power since 1882

by Dolline Mukui

Since the industrial revolution began, Britain has produced enough power without the use of coal to sustain its self for the whole week. It marks the first coal-free week since the first coal plant opened in 1882 in London.

Renewable energy such as wind, solar, bioenergy and hydropower accounted for 25.5% of electricity in 2018, revealed from a government report.

The UK government has pledged to stop using coal power by 2025. Last year, coal power only accounted for 6% of power supplies while gas made up the majority of it with 43.9%.

National Grid Electricity System Operator director Fintan Sly has said “We believe that by 2025 we will be able to fully operate Great Britain’s electricity system with zero carbon.”

Over Easter bank holiday weekend Britain went five days without burning coal, and Mr Slye predicted coal-free runs would become the “new normal”.

Business and energy secretary, Greg Clark said “Going a week without coal for the first time since the industrial revolution is a huge leap forward in our world-leading efforts to reduce emissions, but we’re not stopping there.

“To combat climate change and seize on the opportunities of clean growth, we’re phasing out coal entirely by 2025 and building a cleaner, greener energy system.”

Climate change is now at the top of the agenda for the government figuring how to tackle it, whereby other countries are actively seeking ways to cut down and stop greenhouse gasses which are contributing to global warming.

Greenhouse gasses is a gas that can trap heat and absorbs infrared radiation which is released from the Earth’s surface and emitting it into back into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden have called on European heads of state to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2050.

However, not all countries have agreed to this as early this year Germany, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic blocked a European Commission emissions reduction plan at an EU summit.

IPBES chairman Robert Watson “The health of the ecosystems on which we and other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. We are eroding the very foundations of economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide,”

With only 12 years to make a difference, United Nations are also trying to push for more action on climate change, trying to reduce carbon emission to limit global warming to 1.5C According to the UN, the planet is will see 3-3.5C of warming. This could have a devastating impact on various communities in the world.

UN secretary-general António Guterres says “We are in a race for our lives, and we are losing. The window of opportunity is closing – we no longer have the luxury of time, and climate delay is almost as dangerous as climate denial.”

Greenpeace has also challenged the UK government to phase out diesel and petrol-fuelled cars, as Amsterdam has declared to ban them in 2030.

A spokeswoman for Green peace says “Getting rid of diesel and petrol cars and vans will be crucial both to tackle the climate emergency and to clean up our air, yet ministers have set a phase-out date for sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles that’s more than 20 years away. The government needs to bring that date forward to 2030 while also boosting public transport and investing more in walking and cycling infrastructure.”

Climate change is an ongoing debate in every country trying to find ways to reduce their carbon footprint before it’s too late.

Dolline is a traveller, journalist and blogger who has palate to try new things. She is a very spontaneous person; you might find her skydiving over the Kenyan coast to kayaking in the Lake District. She can be an over thinker who thinks of every outcome but if she doesn’t she welcomes the change that wasn’t planned. However, she is a very simple person who is up for a good laugh or a book and enjoys living the moment. Dolline is currently a production journalist trainee at ITV Border.

LGBT Lessons Row: What Happened To The Equality Act 2010?

Demonstrators of the ‘No Outsiders Programme’ at Anderton Primary School have been served with a high court injunction.

The parent demonstrators have been dealt a vital blow to their religious freedom. Arguing that they do not want their children to be taught the diversity of sexualities, gender and family structures. These parents have protested for weeks and it now will stop due to the injunction.

Birmingham City Council applied for the injunction following several weeks of protests outside Anderton Park Primary School in the city.

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My child my choice the banner says as Muslim parents continue to protest against the LGBT lessons

After weeks of protests, teachers in tears, and up to 600 children being removed from lessons, everything has now been put to a standstill. However, this could fuel the argument between Muslim values and British values. Whilst also putting a dent in the relationship between the Muslim community and the British state.

In a video that characterised the clash between Muslim values and British Values, MP Jess Phillips was embroiled in a furious argument outside Anderton Park against Shakeel Afsar, the man who is leading the LGBT protests. He has no children at the school.

Jess Phillips in her passionate words said

“You don’t get to pick and choose which equality you can and can’t have. I want to protect the Muslim community. You are damaging the reputation of a peaceful and loving community.”

Highlighting that equality is not something you can pick and choose Perhaps the removal of religion/belief from the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 should be proposed.

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The Equality Act 2010 says you must not be discriminated against because of your religion or belief. Discrimination under these characteristics in the Equality Act is unlawful.

Where is the line is drawn between religion discrimination and discrimination of the LGBT community? How we protect both freedoms for both to coexist in harmony?

Religion is a core, fundamental belief in the hearts, minds and souls of many, however Western society has since advanced past states heavily dictated by religious conservatism. Religious conservatism once dictated the tempo of society, the rules, laws and practices. British Society has now interwoven different values allowing many other religions, ethnicities, genders and races to partially coexist.

The New Religion driving equality

Western society now has a new largely unspoken and unrecognised religion called Humanism.

A humanist…

  • trusts to the scientific method when it comes to understanding how the universe works and rejects the idea of the supernatural (and is, therefore, an atheist or agnostic)
  • makes their ethical decisions based on reason, empathy, and a concern for human beings and other sentient animals
  • believes that, in the absence of an afterlife and any discernible purpose to the universe, human beings can act to give their own lives meaning by seeking happiness in this life and helping others to do the same.
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Humanism is as old as humanity. From the first millennium BCE in ancient China, India, and Greece; through the scientific revolution and the enlightenment; to modern secularisation and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, humanist ideas have helped to shape the world in which we now live.

Humanism in the very same breath has accelerated the notion of ‘feelings over facts’ to which has become a centre ground for political thought.

Humanism is the New Religion, Religion Must Leave

Humanism comes at a dire clash with religious fundamentalism as highlighted with the issues surrounding the LGBT lessons at Anderton school.

For Muslim citizens, according to the Quran, they must obey the established authorities (e.g. the courts, the police, etc). They must obey the law of the land as long as it does not violate God’s law. Those protesting the LGBT lessons believe it is in direct violation with God’s law.

How can the rights of LGBT inclusion be maintained whilst working in accordance and reverence and respect to God’s law which is incredibly important to Muslims?

Shakeel Afsar, the man who is leading the LGBT protests has accused the school, government and state of “being intolerant towards Muslims”. No compromise has been found. Sitting on the fence will not help this issue either. Perhaps an intolerance to those who want intolerance, but are intolerance to the inclusion of others is a sacrifice that must be made.

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Islam remains an almost unspoken, unchartered water of discussion many are afraid to dip their toe into the water.

Whilst Islamophobic incidents skyrocketed by almost 600 per cent in Britain after the New Zealand terror attack. A frightening and very real reality, but when do we have the ability to criticise an ideology in the fear of being accused of Islamophobic? An ideology that has now challenged the equality and inclusion of the LGBT community? Is this how we want society to become? Protecting ideas stopping ideas from being truly explored in its entirety.

It’s time the government was no longer afraid to prioritise equality for all its citizens, not a ‘pick and mix’ for those communities who feel they are being denied their rights on the basis of cherry-picking what they want to adhere to.

Are the lessons Islamphobic?

Islamophobia is defined as being “rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”

In 2018 The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on British Muslims put forward the first working definition of Islamophobia in the UK.

In 2019 the definition was rejected by Martin Hewitt, chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, who said it was “too broad as currently drafted, could cause confusion for officers enforcing it and could be used to challenge legitimate free speech on the historical or theological actions of Islamic states”. 

Whilst the issue with the school lessons is not about free speech, it is about freedom of expression.

‘Islamophobia’ is a word recurrently used now even when challenging the views of Islam, and the government could be accused of being ‘Islamophobic’ if they disregard the religious rights of Muslims in relation to the controversial ‘No Outsiders Programme’ championing LGBT inclusion.

This is where it has a thin line between a standing firm in the equality of all, but when the religious freedoms of one inherently oppress and deny the existence of others who wins? Everyone loses and nobody wins.

The headteacher and many other teachers who support the lessons at the school are accused of being ‘Islamophobic’, for not respecting their religious rights.

A morally bankrupt statement as the very programme challenging homophobia is being accused of intolerant to Muslims.

In the words of James Baldwin:

“We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”

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James Baldwin, author, activist and black thought leader

It will not harm young children to know about the plethora of families in the UK, it’s the reality and to weaponize religion interchangeably to “pick and choose your equality”, is denying the equality of others. It also denies the existence of differing families apart from the nuclear family. The ranging sexualities and emerging genders making our current social fabric.

The more we think about where society is progressing to its a world of post-racial, post-gender, and post-truth is becoming the widely accepted norm. Religion whether it be fundamental Christianity or Islam needs to be revisited. Understanding and challenging the reasons as and why it remains in the Equality Act of 2010. And the government can not keep tiptoeing around the issue in the fear of being accused as “Islamophobic”.

To many of those protesting the law of the land in England, we live in a liberal humanist state with a Christian bedrock, advancing the equality of all individuals, black, white, gay, straight and more.

Religion and LGBT is a contested space that needs to be able to come to a working solution that allows both communities both religious and the LGBT community the freedoms to live equally free of discrimination, prejudice and bigotry.

However this time equality for LGBT trumps religion.

Everyone deserves equal rights, equal opportunity, equal access, but perhaps we have to accept some may not fall in alignment with Western humanist values outside of religious beliefs.

Love Island Race Row: Blackface Is Not acceptable and It Never Was.

Love Island has been a much-loved dating programme in the UK for the past few years however it’s has had a fair share of controversies. ITV bosses have come under fire for not having a diverse cast, promoting unrealistic body stands and not enough support to for former islanders once they’re out of the lavish villa based in Mallorca.

Days before the launch of the much-loved dating show, a picture of one of the contestants blacked-up in fancy dress as A-Team character, Mr T, surfaced.

Anton Danyluk from Airdrie, Scotland posed alongside his friends in the problematic outfit – assuming he was not trying to cause offence – but his picture shows the level of ignorance when it comes to race globally.

TV shows such as Love Island emphasise the issues around race in British society as many struggle to understand racism, especially from an ethnic minorities perspective.

The picture (above), in this case, can be seen as just ‘fun and games’ due to it being a costume but at who’s expense? Blackface is a topic which many black people have been speaking out about for decades. The complexity of the issue and the way in which it demonises and plays into racist stereotypes is not a new idea.

However, people in society are still convinced blackface is not a real thing and those offended are just pulling the race card despite the origin of the caricature. While it may have been acceptable 200 years ago for white actors to ‘black-up’ and promote harmful stereotypes, it was never okay.

The issue with ITV keeping someone on the show who ‘blacked up’ goes to show they are willing to ignore problematic characters behaviour as long as they can make money from them and do not care about the crowd they are neglecting.

Despite the broadcasters vow to be more diverse this year, this goes against that promise and is clear indicated they do not care.