Earlier this week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a complete lockdown on the UK in attempts to prevent the spread of COVID 19.
The Police will be able to issue fines and prevent mass gatherings. Individuals will only be allowed to leave home for shopping, medical reasons, exercise and to travel to and from work.

This lockdown came as a welcome relief to many individuals who felt the general public were not heeding the government’s advice to self-isolate. The government gave people the opportunity to listen without forcing it through a lockdown, now the choice has become mandatory.
Though, in some aspects, Boris Johnson’s decision may be breaching the political divide.
Twitter user @TheRealShenna tweeted “I have never voted conservative in my life but I just want to say I think PM @BorisJohnson and his team are doing a sterling job!! Let’s show our appreciation to the government and front line services who are battling 24/7 to save lives and keep us safe.”
Many believe London to be late compared to other European countries to lock down the country. COVID 19 as of today has killed 578 people so far, new cases are 1427 and 11,658 cases confirmed in the UK. The NHS is continually being stretched thin.
Tubes were still packed after previous announcements were made as some individuals were still forced to go to work.

NHS receive some appreciation
Organisers of clap for our carers announced that On the 26th March at 8 PM the general public will clap to show appreciation for the NHS workers who continue to provide key services in the fight against coronavirus.

Previously companies such as Dominoes, Nandos and Pret showed their solidarity to NHS workers, by offering discount and even 50% off. Greggs also offered hot drinks as well. Since then Nandos and even Mcdonalds alongside other restaurants have closed to prevent further spread of COVID 19.
Whilst this may seem nice, is it not backhanded for all the stress NHS workers have endured before coronavirus, during coronavirus and after coronavirus? Where were the discounts then?

The best way we can support and show our appreciation for the NHS is by self-isolating unless absolutely necessary to go outside.
Companies should have been appreciating and serving to help NHS workers before Coronavirus. NHS workers work many hours, to be under appreciated, understaffed undervalued.
The general public must now comply with the rules of the lockdown, to relieve the strain on the NHS and help to quell the spread of COVID 19. Stay Home Save Lives is the motto.
Moreover, we need to truly appreciate the NHS and their workers whilst we can. Without the NHS and their selfless workers, we would not be able to treat those who are injured and infected. Heed the advice from Boris Johnson, and on the 26th March at 8 pm show your support by clapping as well.