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Jyri L.R. Howie

Jyri Howie was born in Manchester, but is currently a student at the University of the Highlands and Islands, studying Criminology, Sociology and British Politics. He aims to simplify the school of politics down to its core pincipals, making it more accessible for the average reader. When not studying or writing, he spends his time at the gym, watching debates online and playing guitar.
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Epstein: What You Need To Know

Mystery and conspiracy rage on, as the American financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein managed to apparently commit suicide while under tight security in...

Scotland Shows It’s EU Colours with SNP Landslide

The SNP wins three out of 6 seats within the EU Parliament, after this years EU elections, with Alyn Smith, Aileen McLeod, and Christian...

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Now the riots are over, we need far stronger communities

In the days since the UK faced pockets of...

The Southport tragedy has brought out the worst in us

More protests planned over Southport stabbings Local mosques to take...
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