It seems the tide may be changing on public opinion around Brexit. A collection of recent polls have been telling the same story. These polls seem to be revealing public anxiety and disdain about the Brexit process so far.
“69% of Britons say Brexit is going badly so far”
On the topic of who is to blame, this week has revealed that the political class is still interested in pointing fingers in all directions. A recent standoff between Boris Johnson and the Prime Minister showed this. On the other hand, a YouGov study showed that the answer is very different depending on whether you voted Remain or Leave in the referendum.
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While Remain voters are far more likely to blame the government than they are to blame any other group, this is not the case with those who voted for Brexit. Leave voters are just as likely to see fault with the EU (58%, compared to 25% of Remainers) and anti-Brexit politicians (59%, compared to 15% of Remain voters). For their part, 53% of Remain voters blame pro-Brexit politicians (only 11% of Leave voters do so).
This may have been expected, however, what has surprised pollsters, is the number of Brits who now support a second referendum.
For the first time, the majority of Britons now want a second referendum on the UK quitting the European Union (EU), according to a new survey. A YouGov poll found that more people support a second referendum
“42% of Britons think there should be a referendum on the terms of the Brexit deal, 40% do not”
When this question was first asked in April of last year only 31% of people supported

A Survation poll drew a similar conclusion, Fifty-three percent of people would back a vote on whether to accept the terms of the final Brexit deal, with 47% opposed,
Theresa May is finding herself increasingly isolated, not least because of attacks by defectors, Johnson and David Davis.
Only 35% agreed with Theresa May that “no deal is better than a bad deal” in EU negotiations, the research for The Mail on Sunday found.
Global Future chief executive Gurnek Bains said: “The overwhelming majority of Labour voters want an open, outward-looking country which could mean staying in the single market like Norway and Switzerland already do from outside the EU. If political leaders insist on – or enable – an extreme form of Brexit that prioritises immigration controls by taking Britain out of the single market and the customs union, they risk being on the wrong side of the electorate.”
In light of these polls, The Inedepant have launched a #FinalSay campaign to demand that voters are given a voice on the final Brexit deal.
You can sign the Petition here